Trump loudly heckled at Libertarian National Convention

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday night, with many in the crowd shouting insults and decrying him for things like his COVID-19 policies, running up towering federal deficits and lying about his political record.

When he took the stage, many jeered while some supporters clad in “Make America Great” hats and T-shirts cheered and chanted “USA! USA!” It was a rare moment of Trump coming face-to-face with open detractors, which is highly unusual for someone accustomed to staging rallies in front of ever-adoring crowds.

Rectenwald tries to explain at the 2 min mark why Kennedy, Trump and Vivek were invited....this never made any sense to me:

In watched it....the crowd response was not much different from a standard Trump rally.

We now get lied to constantly.

Trump navigated the Libertarian convention about as well as he could, maintaining class and grace in a hostile environment.Trump didn’t give a full mea culpa for his first term, but he offered Libertarians a seat in the cabinet, and some policy decisions that Libertarians would otherwise not get.We at least have to respect that Trump had the balls to walk into the lion’s den, and offer a deal in exchange for our vote. Now my fellow Libertarians have the choice of either throwing away their vote and indirectly helping the reelection of Joe Biden, or voting for Trump and getting more representation in an upcoming Trump administration than Libertarians have had… ever.Trump is at least offering Libertarians a seat at the table. For a party that has only secured more than 1% of the popular vote ONCE since 1972, that sounds like a pretty good deal.Trump might not be the ideal Libertarian candidate, but I got news for y’all; Ron Paul ain’t on the ballot.


It did not seem all that hostile to me but ya, if you think it was you gotta give Trump credit for showing up and showing so much class.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday night, with many in the crowd shouting insults and decrying him for things like his COVID-19 policies, running up towering federal deficits and lying about his political record.

When he took the stage, many jeered while some supporters clad in “Make America Great” hats and T-shirts cheered and chanted “USA! USA!” It was a rare moment of Trump coming face-to-face with open detractors, which is highly unusual for someone accustomed to staging rallies in front of ever-adoring crowds.

About f'ing time. His handlers hand-pick his audiences to prevent this kind of thing, which causes terrible hurt to #Trumpelthinskin's tender feelz. WTG, Libertarians! About time regular citizens called the orange shitgibbon out!

Trump navigated the Libertarian convention about as well as he could, maintaining class and grace in a hostile environment.Trump didn’t give a full mea culpa for his first term, but he offered Libertarians a seat in the cabinet, and some policy decisions that Libertarians would otherwise not get.We at least have to respect that Trump had the balls to walk into the lion’s den, and offer a deal in exchange for our vote. Now my fellow Libertarians have the choice of either throwing away their vote and indirectly helping the reelection of Joe Biden, or voting for Trump and getting more representation in an upcoming Trump administration than Libertarians have had… ever.Trump is at least offering Libertarians a seat at the table. For a party that has only secured more than 1% of the popular vote ONCE since 1972, that sounds like a pretty good deal.Trump might not be the ideal Libertarian candidate, but I got news for y’all; Ron Paul ain’t on the ballot.


It did not seem all that hostile to me but ya, if you think it was you gotta give Trump credit for showing up and showing so much class.
Mixed reactions...not unusual for libertarians... great job, President Trump...
Everyone was listening...that never happens when Joe drones on...
Did you see it? If so would you call the crowd hostile? I mean shit, we must remember that we are talking about libertarians.

The expanded pic of the guy in the hat is even better.
I did not watch the entire thing...But it obviously was music to libertarian's ears...and they got a chance to react...they love that kind of opportunity...
Wise decision to appear...

That is a great picture...;)
I did not watch the entire thing...But it obviously was music to libertarian's ears...and they got a chance to react...they love that kind of opportunity...
Wise decision to appear...
I would go with spirited.....but they let Trump speak and Trump had his fun with it....I dont see the problem....I dont see hostile.