Does Anybody Really Think Trump Would Admit It If He Was Guilty?

Maybe you fail to grasp the characteristics of authoritarian.

I DO grasp them.

I suspect you, and other Trump supporters, DO NOT.

He tends toward authoritarianism.

Government by its very nature is "authoritarian." Government MUST BE AUTHORITARIAN...or it doesn't work.

Our "Constitution" and the way it is protected by the Supreme Court...IS AUTHORITARIAN.

A governmental authority with the power to make up charges to punish a person is a government with no responsibility to constitutional rule or the people. And, a person who favors such acts gives blind obedience to that authoritarian regime.

Thus, authoritarian tendencies by definition.

You are so far off base here, Flash, I'm surprised even you don't think it stinks.

But you seem to want to live in this particular do so. Anything that helps you get past the graveyard.

I DO grasp them.

I suspect you, and other Trump supporters, DO NOT.

He tends toward authoritarianism.

Government by its very nature is "authoritarian." Government MUST BE AUTHORITARIAN...or it doesn't work.

Our "Constitution" and the way it is protected by the Supreme Court...IS AUTHORITARIAN.

You are so far off base here, Flash, I'm surprised even you don't think it stinks.

But you seem to want to live in this particular do so. Anything that helps you get past the graveyard.

No, I think there is a lot you failed to grasp about the conversation. Like many posters, your extreme partisanship results in knee-jerk responses based on categorizing everyone into us v. them. If you think somebody does not agree with every word of liberal posters they must be right-wing extremists.

1. I am not a Trump supporter or defender and have said so many time.

2. The conversation was about this post: "If he can't find anything to put Trump away, he should make something up." I said such an attitude represents authoritarian tendencies and I hope all Americans would oppose such sentiments.

Instead of addressing this statement, you turned it into a discussion about Trump being authoritarian although Trump had nothing to do with the topic. It is the old "what about Obama/Hillary" mantra used by conservatives.

And, yes, government does have to exercise authority; but, they do not have to be authoritarian that have no limits over excessive power or protection of civil liberties. The protections of our representative democracy by the Supreme Court, checks and balances, and separation of powers are not authoritarian or there would be no protections.
Hello Flash,

That's just crazy talk.

Americans like freedom.

If you have to believe that Americans with political positions in opposition to yours want a totalitarian authoritarian government to toss our Constitution in the trash, then you should reexamine your own political positioning. Something is amiss.

What do you feel has been 'made up?'

They would give it up in a second. Just bray about patriotism and hate and you can do anything. Throw in the religion and you got most Americans . Fear will do the rest.

One of Americas biggest plusses has a been a free press. Trump is attacking it and trying to control it. Read this board and you can see how well it worked. Don't get all comfy. America may be serious danger.
Trump a reality show host, is remaking the government and it has been easy for him. What would happen if we got a guy with political talent doing it?

35 percent of Americans have bought this carnival barker, conmans act.
It is not unheard of for a western leader and a Russian leader to meet in private, with only a translator present. I have heard first hand accounts of this happening. That is how relationships and trust are built, at least from what I have been told.

But it is different when a Clinton meets privately with a Yeltsin, or a Prime Minister meets privately with Mikhail Gorbachev. In those cases, we are talking about a meeting of equals. Cunning, capable, and informed premiers, presidents, and prime ministers. That is not what is happening in Helsinki. It will be an orange colored dim wit meeting the craftiest and most cunning Russian leader of our generation. And the risk of Trump being played like a chump is enormously high.

If Trump got played by Kim Un in Singapore, there is a possibility we ain't seen nothing yet.

Just to play a bit of devil's advocate for a minute here, Trump might be a bit craftier than we're giving him credit for. Sometimes the best thing you can do is lull your adversary into thinking you're a rube and underestimating you. It's entirely possible that Trump is playing Putin, though I doubt it.

I think that any concessions Trump gives up to Putin, rather than because he was duped, would be given up on purpose, either to satisfy an extortion demand or out of a desire to stick it to the US and hand his beloved Mother Russia a strategic advantage on the world stage.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

Would you?

You're asking if I would admit guilt if I were guilty of a crime. It's a moot question because I don't commit crimes. I can't really answer, because I would have to be a different person to commit crimes. It is far too easy to live a perfectly wonderful life by earning everything required to live that life. In my view, those who commit crimes have come to an incorrect conclusion that crime is worth while. I don't believe that.

I am too jazzed on accomplishment, hard work, enjoying the results that I earned. My conscience would bother me too much if I acquired wealth by cheating. When you cheat others, you actually cheat yourself out of the feeling of empowerment which results from establishing a goal, working towards it, and achieving it.

I can only imagine that those who commit crimes have already justified what they do in their mind, so they don't worry about it. They must feel that it is a dog eat dog world, and that the only way people acquired things is to steal them from others, or to steal the wealth required to acquire things. That is illogical. It goes against my faith in humanity to advance through cooperation with one another.

Humans. We have all that we have because of people working together, not stealing from others. If everybody acquired by stealing, then nobody would be building anything, so there would be nothing to steal, only humans sitting around waiting for somebody else to create. But nobody would be creating anything because everybody would be waiting for another to create. It's a loser mentality. It is logical that humans work together to build and create a better future for humanity. That is what we have always done and the only way to advance the human condition.

Your question to me is moot because it assumes a condition which does not exist and shall not exist, namely, me as a criminal. I am not a criminal, I don't have to be a criminal, and I certainly don't want to be one. I cannot answer what I would do if I were one.
No, I think there is a lot you failed to grasp about the conversation. Like many posters, your extreme partisanship results in knee-jerk responses based on categorizing everyone into us v. them. If you think somebody does not agree with every word of liberal posters they must be right-wing extremists.

1. I am not a Trump supporter or defender and have said so many time.

2. The conversation was about this post: "If he can't find anything to put Trump away, he should make something up." I said such an attitude represents authoritarian tendencies and I hope all Americans would oppose such sentiments.

Instead of addressing this statement you turned it into a discussion about Trump being authoritarian although Trump had nothing to do with the topic. It is the old "what about Obama/Hillary" mantra used by conservatives.

And, yes, government does have to exercise authority; but, they do not have to be authoritarian that have no limits over excessive power or protection of civil liberties. The protections of our representative democracy by the Supreme Court, checks and balances, and separation of powers are not authoritarian or there would be no protections.

Jesus H. Christ, Flash...the topic title is:

Does Anybody Really Think Trump Would Admit It If He Was Guilty?

And you are going to try to give me shit on this account?
Hello Shallon Margot,

I bet Trump cheats at golf

That's already been documented.

He improves his lie.

For those non-golfers, this is the one time that Trump's lies are OK. In golf, everyone has a lie. Your 'lie' is how the ball is lying after the T shot, when you find it and prepare for your next shot. Under the rules of golf, you are not supposed to touch your ball. You cannot move it with your hand or your club in order to make it easier to hit cleanly. You're supposed to hit it the way it lies. You can look at it. That's all. You can't touch it, pick it up, clean it, or use your club to give it a little shove. If you do that it counts as a stroke. If you do it and you don't count the stroke then you are cheating. If you were witnessed doing this in a tournament, you would be penalized for breaking the rules. Donald Trump does this.

Donald Trump cheats at golf.

He also allows himself to take a free shot if he duffs it. That's not in the rules. You can't do that. He cheats.

Donald Trump cheats at golf.

I think he does that in golf because he does that in life, in everything he does.

If you enter into a business negotiation with Trump you should expect to be cheated out of something. Especially if you are a contractor doing some work for him. One of his favorite tricks is to expect the work to be done first without pay, then wait until it's all done and claim it is unacceptable. Make something up, look for whatever flaw which might be construed (in work which would be perfectly acceptable normally,) cite it and refuse to pay. Or only pay part. After being pestered and pestered. I'm sure he knows all the tricks. I've seen his type before. The goal is to become such a pain in the rear that you'll stop bothering. We should never have elected him. He is a crook.

Donald Trump is a crook.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

Cheats and lies at everything else, why would golf be different?

Before he set sights on Mexico, Donald Trump had his eyes on a wall to protect his luxury golf resort. Does it suggest he recognizes effects of global warming?

Don's other wall.

Toooo FUNNY!

This is a great link, everybody. Check it out. Trump International Golf Resort in Ireland is really built on a shifting sand dune area, and it is threatened by rising seas from Climate Change. (Is that karma or what?) So he wants to build a wall to keep the 18th hole from washing away, but the local environmental regulator will not allow it because there is a threatened species - a snail - which uses the area as a habitat. And if he builds a wall then the tide would shift stronger at neighboring locations, flooding other properties.

This means Trump really knows the seas are rising, but he's just pretending to play up to that crowd because he needs the votes.
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