Iran is CLOSED for business: PROTESTS break out as economy plummets

cancel2 2022

Shouldn't Moony be over there helping out his mullah mates and defending the revolution?

EXCLUSIVE: THOUSANDS of Iranians have closed their shops and market stalls and stepped onto the streets in a series of tense protests against skyrocketing prices as inflation figures soar amid damaging US sanctions.

Shop keepers, stall vendors, farmers and even truck drivers are demonstrating today in the Amir-Kabir industrial complex of Isfahan, central Iran, protesting against high prices as the value of Tehran’s currency, the rial, plummets. Scores of demonstrators can be seen gathering in public squares and at the side of main roads, chanting “death to high prices” and "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, my life for Iran”.

Dozens of store owners in the area have closed their shops and are on strike, after the rial’s value dropped by 120 percent in the last six months alone.
Iran has also been hit by falling salaries set against the rising cost of living, while water shortages and power outages have also hit the embattled country.
The Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class WILL have it's war with Iran. One more bogus regime change war (Part 2 in Iran, we already toppled a democratically elected govt of theirs) coming up. Watch your TV for the ramp up, Brian Williams has been known to cum on air at the majesty of our rockets red glare. This is the stuff of empires in decline.
The Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class WILL have it's war with Iran. One more bogus regime change war (Part 2 in Iran, we already toppled a democratically elected govt of theirs) coming up. Watch your TV for the ramp up, Brian Williams has been known to cum on air at the majesty of our rockets red glare. This is the stuff of empires in decline.

It is time for the mullahs to go, the people are fed up with the corrupt bastards.'plunder-people's-property'-in-an-obscene-way
but we've heard that before..
I would think there would have to be state wide protests, and I think there would have to be a revolution.
They ain't gonna go quietly- the mullas would have to be deposed

Yes and that will likely come from the direction of the Iranian Kurds who truly detest the corrupt bastards in Teheran and will join forces with the PMOI. If you want to know what is happening then this website will tell you.
No more pallets of cash for the mullahs

Yes and that will likely come from the direction of the Iranian Kurds who truly detest the corrupt bastards in Teheran. If you want to know what is happening then this website will tell you.
i looked at it. they seems to be showing multiple cities with various strike.
My Iranian geography is sketchy. just how extensive and powerful are Kurds in Iran?
are the cites listed more then Kurdish?
i looked at it. they seems to be showing multiple cities with various strike.
My Iranian geography is sketchy. just how extensive and powerful are Kurds in Iran?
are the cites listed more then Kurdish?

The rial has crashed against the dollar, the people have never been as angry. The Kurds won't be on their own they are being assisted by the Saudis, and the Israelis.

[h=1]The value of US dollar surpasses 110,000 Iranian rials[/h] [h=4]Crisis within the Iranian regime deepening leading to popular protests[/h]
The rial has crashed against the dollar, the people have never been as angry. The Kurds won't be on their own they are being assisted by the Saudis, and the Israelis.

[h=1]The value of US dollar surpasses 110,000 Iranian rials[/h] [h=4]Crisis within the Iranian regime deepening leading to popular protests[/h]
good lord. the rial was at about 30k a couple months ago!

Ya. this one feels different - not just Tehran, and protests are extensive and long lasting..across multi-social strata..
I won't get my hopes up but that would be just awesome to see the regime deposed!
good lord. the rial was at about 30k a couple months ago!

Ya. this one feels different - not just Tehran, and protests are extensive and long lasting..across multi-social strata..
I won't get my hopes up but that would be just awesome to see the regime deposed!

Yes exactly, there is huge suffering going on right now, whilst the corrupt mullahs live like kings.
I wonder if Moontwat, master mullah cockmuncher, will come on to post some bullshit from RT or Al Jazeera?
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but we've heard that before..
I would think there would have to be state wide protests, and I think there would have to be a revolution.
They ain't gonna go quietly- the mullas would have to be deposed

If President Obama had backed the Green revolution instead of doing nothing, we probably would not be having this discussion right now.
If President Obama had backed the Green revolution instead of doing nothing, we probably would not be having this discussion right now.
maybe. But the basij was pretty ruthless,and I think those protests were just in tehran?
this seems much more organic /widespread. Ya I recall that..Obama could not seem to condemn the basij
maybe. But the basij was pretty ruthless,and I think those protests were just in tehran?
this seems much more organic /widespread. Ya I recall that..Obama could not seem to condemn the basij

I think it would have taken over the country if the younger folks in Iran knew there was someone to back them up. I will be interesting to see how this one plays out definitely.
I think it would have taken over the country if the younger folks in Iran knew there was someone to back them up. I will be interesting to see how this one plays out definitely.
that is key "if someone backed them up" - this one looks wide and deep.. XX fingers crossed