I'm sending this to the Creation Science Museum

No such thing.
The Theory of Creation exists, moron. It states that life arrived on Earth through the action of an intelligence.
The Theory of Evolution also exists. It states that current life evolved from more primitive life.

Neither theory is a theory of science.
Ummm, why do you say manifestly stupid untrue things with such conviction? Are you really uneducated or do you think lying helps your position?
Insults don't win any arguments.
You wouldn't know what science was if it bit you on the testicle.
Science has no teeth.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Examples are: the 0th, 1st, and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, The Stefan-Boltzmann law, Newton's law of motion, Kepler's laws of orbits, Kirchoff's law, etc.

The Theory of Creation is not falsifiable.
The Theory of Evolution is not falsifiable.
The Theory of the Big Bang is not falsifiable.
The Theory of the Continuum is not falsifiable.
The Theory of Abiogenesis is not falsifiable.

NONE of these are a theory of science.
ALL of them are religions.

The Theory of Creation exists, moron. It states that life arrived on Earth through the action of an intelligence.
The Theory of Evolution also exists. It states that current life evolved from more primitive life.

Neither theory is a theory of science.

Insults don't win any arguments.

Science has no teeth.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Examples are: the 0th, 1st, and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, The Stefan-Boltzmann law, Newton's law of motion, Kepler's laws of orbits, Kirchoff's law, etc.

The Theory of Creation is not falsifiable.
The Theory of Evolution is not falsifiable.
The Theory of the Big Bang is not falsifiable.
The Theory of the Continuum is not falsifiable.
The Theory of Abiogenesis is not falsifiable.

NONE of these are a theory of science.
ALL of them are religions.

No such thing as the "Theory of Creation".
humans "evolving" from apes is your "creation museum"........cope with your ignorance, but please do it silently........

PostModernIdiot proves he is as bad at understanding science as he is at law.

FWIW, there is NO science that assumes "humans evolved from apes" just showing how PostModernIdiot cannot even get his insult correct.

PostModernIdiot proves he is as bad at understanding science as he is at law.

FWIW, there is NO science that assumes "humans evolved from apes" just showing how PostModernIdiot cannot even get his insult correct.
You are not discussing science.

The Theory of Evolution is not a theory of science. It is a religion.
take it up with the OP you simple minded fuckwit.....
Think man, think!

The fact that chimps, gorillas, bonobos, and humans diverged along separate evolutionary lines, means that humans did not descend from chimps, gorillas, or bonobos.

At best, we might be thought of as extremely distant, very remote cousins to chimps
Think man, think!

The fact that chimps, gorillas, bonobos, and humans diverged along separate evolutionary lines, means that humans did not descend from chimps, gorillas, or bonobos.

At best, we might be thought of as extremely distant, very remote cousins to chimps
think, idiot, think......humans and chimps diverged from WHAT line.......apes you dense bitch......it's your thread, if its ignorance, you own it.....
Your beliefs are worth vanishingly little based on what you normally post. Just sayin'.

I'm still curious what your "area" of law is. I'm in the need of a good laugh.
like I said, there's no reason to believe you would understand it.......you keep dodging the question of whether you attended college.........are you another gas station clerk like Domer or did you fill a meaningful job........a plumber perhaps.......
like I said, there's no reason to believe you would understand it.

I work with a lot of lawyers. Take your shot.

......you keep dodging the question of whether you attended college.........are you another gas station clerk like Domer or did you fill a meaningful job........

Answered elsewhere, but yes. Quite. Actually more than you did...but NOT at a diploma mill like yours