Hamas Intractability: What Part Does The Biden Team Not Get?

Hamas has "no military?"



Looks like Hamas has a military to me...
Your myopia is preventing you from seeing the big picture:

Israel has 173,000 active troops, 465,000 reservist. Reports of a mobilized 360,000 troops all round. They have a very active air force (the bombings are daily reported occurrences) and a navy. They have tanks, artillery, bombers, etc.

Hamas has an est. 30 to 50K troops. They rely mostly on rpg's, surface to surface missles, handguns, auto & semi-auto rifles, bomb laden drones.

This is why the IDF can herd and bomb ALL Palestinians into removal from Gaza and the West Bank or just a war of attrition. There is no "battlefield" to meet HAMAS on, as the ghetto like conditions created by Israel in the area won't permit it.

Yes, Hamas should suffer the consequences of Oct. 7th. That the Mossad and the IDF can't do this without trying to wipe out all Palestinians is dubious at best.
Al-Qassam IS the military arm of Hamas.

The al Qassem Brigades are the military component of Hamas and the means by which Hamas seeks to destroy the Israeli state and form an Islamic state in Palestine.

Only a complete idiot, oblivious fool, or supporter of Palestinian terrorism would say differently.
Al-Qassam IS the military arm of Hamas.

The al Qassem Brigades are the military component of Hamas and the means by which Hamas seeks to destroy the Israeli state and form an Islamic state in Palestine.

Only a complete idiot, oblivious fool, or supporter of Palestinian terrorism would say differently.
U R clearly captive to Regime Propaganda....which explains so much.

As with so many conservatives Just failing was not good enough 4 U...U failed all the way.
Then who are they? Who's headband are they wearing?
Didn't you hear? Iran has been importing terrorists to a terrorist run country to attack Israel.

As far as the picture goes... That could be Hamas fighters. Or it may not be Hamas fighters. It really doesn't matter. When you are a jihadist or Muslim extremist, men women and children are all terrorist fighters.
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It was a gif, not a meme.
Too funny! It was a meme. The format is irrelevant.

My side is easily defensible. I am not taking the side of terrorists, while you are pretending to take the side of terrorists.
You actively cheer on genocide. My only position on this matter is the opposition of genocide, especially the rampant slaughter of children.

You are evil.
Too funny! It was a meme. The format is irrelevant.

You actively cheer on genocide. My only position on this matter is the opposition of genocide, especially the rampant slaughter of children.

You are evil.
There is no genocide. Any time there is warfare in urban areas, there will be civilian deaths. In this case, Israel has taken significant steps to avoid killing civilians, while Hamas is using civilians as human shields because this physical world means nothing to them

IF Israel wanted to commit genocide, they could. They could have flattened Gaza/Palestine in a month.
There is no genocide.
Yes, genocide. Israel is effecting the 2nd Nakba via genocide. They're doing this right out in the open. Gaza is being flattened in the process.

You are evil.

Any time there is warfare in urban areas, there will be civilian deaths.
The Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide say otherwise. Israel is a signatory to all of them.

In this case, Israel has taken significant steps to avoid killing civilians,
Nope. The IDF deliberately pumps air strikes into civilian population centers. This is prohibited everywhere. You applaud, however, because Israel is the perpetrator. You are evil.

Israel is slaughtering Arabs just to slaughter Arabs, and to effect the 2nd Nakba. You applaud because Israel "declared war" and because you HATE Arabs just as much as the Israelis do. You are evil.

while Hamas is using civilians as human shields
That is the stupidest comment possible. There is no hiding behind human shields because the IDF is simply slaughtering all the civilian noncombatants, irrespective of who might be behind them.

Hamas isn't even fighting. Hamas is a political party. You are conflating a helpless political party with Iran, the only country that attacks Israel (through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad). Hamas isn't even in the picture.

Iran attacked Israel on October 7th, through proxy Al Qassam. Israel did not invade Iran. Israel instead initiated the 2nd Nakba and began slaughtering Arabs. You applaud. You are evil.

If Israel ever wanted to commit genocide, they could. Guess what! Israel wanted to commit genocide and now that is what they are doing.
How many genocides have 99% survivors?

While normally I am loathe to agree with a RightWinger, the reliance on the word "genocide" in this case is overhyped and not accurate.

It's a case of rhetorical inflation. The need to find the most JARRING and HORRIFYING word and characterize it thusly. I remember some comedy skit somewhere where someone was complaining about not being able to get a milkshake for a restaurant and complaing that the people in Auschwitz didn't get treated that badly. It's overhyped for effect.

As someone else noted: if Israel ACTUALLY wanted a genocide it would be little effort for them. They are armed to the teeth with the most advanced weaponry the world can supply (especially the US).

Now, that being said: I do NOT agree with Israel hitting population centers as hard as they have. But then Hamas is 100% to blame for that because THEY are using the Gazans as human shields.

It truly is one of those cases like in the movies where the clearly superior fighter holds back because they have a moral code that limits their responses especially when innocent people (the vast majority of Gazans) are in harms way.

What is the actual answer? Fuck if I know. This is easily the most confounding conflict anywhere on the globe and it doesn't seem like it will ever end despite the world's best efforts.
Yes, genocide. Israel is effecting the 2nd Nakba via genocide. They're doing this right out in the open. Gaza is being flattened in the process.

You are evil.

The Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide say otherwise. Israel is a signatory to all of them.

Nope. The IDF deliberately pumps air strikes into civilian population centers. This is prohibited everywhere. You applaud, however, because Israel is the perpetrator. You are evil.

Israel is slaughtering Arabs just to slaughter Arabs, and to effect the 2nd Nakba. You applaud because Israel "declared war" and because you HATE Arabs just as much as the Israelis do. You are evil.

That is the stupidest comment possible. There is no hiding behind human shields because the IDF is simply slaughtering all the civilian noncombatants, irrespective of who might be behind them.

Hamas isn't even fighting. Hamas is a political party. You are conflating a helpless political party with Iran, the only country that attacks Israel (through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad). Hamas isn't even in the picture.

Iran attacked Israel on October 7th, through proxy Al Qassam. Israel did not invade Iran. Israel instead initiated the 2nd Nakba and began slaughtering Arabs. You applaud. You are evil.

If Israel ever wanted to commit genocide, they could. Guess what! Israel wanted to commit genocide and now that is what they are doing.
lol... you are such a troll.