Criminal Jews attack another school. 46 killed, 130 wounded in 24 hours.

There are Palestinian refugees in ALL of the countries around Palestine, you poor, godless, ignorant disgrace to your species.
Yes, including Israel. And they manage to live peacefully as equal citizens in the state of Israel and do not call for the wiping of Israel from the river to the sea. Imagine that. The most virulent remained behind in the area of Gaza and the west bank and no one, not even fellow muslims, wants anything to do with these rabid pieces of shit.
Yes, including Israel. And they manage to live peacefully as equal citizens in the state of Israel and do not call for the wiping of Israel from the river to the sea. Imagine that. The most virulent remained behind in the area of Gaza and the west bank and no one, not even fellow muslims, wants anything to do with these rabid pieces of shit.
Israel is an apartheid state. It's a democracy for Jews. You are a dupe.

No heaven for you- no peace for genocidal Jews.
There are Palestinian refugees in ALL of the countries around Palestine, you poor, godless, ignorant disgrace to your species.
Why is that? Why didn't all those Arab countries take in and let their Palestinian brothers simply become citizens and live in peace in those countries?
Why is that? Why didn't all those Arab countries take in and let their Palestinian brothers simply become citizens and live in peace in those countries?
The refugees have their own country. They have a right to return to it under law. UN Resolution 194. Don't come back until you understand it.
Don’t start a war if you can’t finish the war.

Israel is finishing the war as we speak.

America finished a war in a similar manner when we dropped nuclear weapons on Japan. I'm not arguing that it was a "bad decision" (my dad was headed to the Philippines on a troop ship when it happened and likely would have been involved in the invasion of the Japanese homeland, so I'm kinda glad the war ended when it did) and I understand the realpolitick around the decision to drop them, but honestly it is still a fraught decision that DID result in a ginormous amount of innocent blood on our collective hands.

The stronger power can always defeat the weaker power. In the case of Gaza Israel could easily wipe it off the map. But if there's one thing we learn from the standard cinema trope it is that the stronger power might wish to pull their punches when innocents are invovled.

None of these decisions are easy and there's probably ZERO options in the Gaza that will be satisfactory to either side OR the greater community of humans.

I don't begrudge Israel the right to strike back after the cowardly horrors of Oct 7. But their choices WILL CARRY A COST. Just as our choice to incinerate countless innocent Japanese (along with some bad ones, obviously) carries on into a new century and a new millennium.
Israel is an apartheid state. It's a democracy for Jews. You are a dupe.

No heaven for you- no peace for genocidal Jews.
No, it is not. Arab Israelis have the exact same rights as every Jewish Israeli in Israel. In fact, they have even more rights because they can elect to avoid the required military service with the IDF if they so wish, something no Jewish resident of Israel can do. That's the opposite of an apartheid.
Your display of willful ignorance is embarrassing. Begone.

Wrong. I'm using a combination of satire, sarcasm, and absurdity to show your answer is equally absurd and laughable. You sound like this:

False. Are you a simple-minded dupe or a prosemitic liar ?
Cool. So then you can show us which rights they do not have in Israel that Jews have.

I've already given one example where they have an extra right in Israel that Jews do not have, so you'll need to show more than one in order to even it out first.

Let's see it, porkskin.
Wrong. I'm using a combination of satire, sarcasm, and absurdity to show your answer is equally absurd and laughable. You sound like this:

Just think- all those combinations of satire, sarcasm and absurdity- and you still manage to paint yourself as an ignorant twat.
Further- you actually believed that my responses to your ludicrous questions were directed at YOU.

Haw, haw................................haw.