Capitalism Is EVIL!

or not.

it all depends on personal circumstances of seller and buyer.

changing all these circumstances around is how corporations use government control and fascism to game markets (individuals).
Non-sequitur fallacy.
Redefinition fallacies.

Corporations are not government.
Corporations are damaged or destroyed by fascism.
Markets are not just individuals.
You cannot 'game' a free market. You cannot destroy the free market. It's immortal.
Non-sequitur fallacy.
Redefinition fallacies.

Corporations are not government.
Corporations are damaged or destroyed by fascism.
Markets are not just individuals.
You cannot 'game' a free market. You cannot destroy the free market. It's immortal.
dude this is trash.

stupid strawmen and word games.....

corporations love fascism. its when the government enforces they're preferred policies.

like a law you must buy insurance, like a law you must take a drug.
dude this is trash.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
stupid strawmen and word games.....
You are describing yourself again.
corporations love fascism.
Why would they? Fascism damages and destroys corporations. It is government theft of their productivity.
its when the government enforces they're preferred policies.

like a law you must buy insurance, like a law you must take a drug.
Both are fascism. Government is interfering with the market.
It is also tyranny.
Ahhh, so you are just guessing. I will remind you that contracts are extremely controlled arrangements.
No not guessing at all. Don't be obtuse. It happens millions of times a day. Contracts are rather simple. As long as the two parties enter the contract voluntarily without distress and everyone agrees to the conditions it's a done deal.

Obtenebrator is correct. While a contract might appear simple, it has to meet various legal requirements to be binding and enforceable, and those requirements are definitely not simple as you imply. At a minimum in the US, beyond a clear offer and acceptance, there must be consideration, mutual assent, capability of understanding and legality of purpose. It does absolutely no good to enter into a contract that either party can nix at will. This is why you always want to have a lawyer review any sort of contract before you sign, i.e. you want a trained professional to help you make sure everything is good-to-go as you intend.
dude this is trash. stupid strawmen and word games.....
Translation: You have no response and are therefore tipping your king.

corporations love fascism.
Not when the fascism is destroying the corporation. We've long since established that you are compelled to fill your posts with the word "fascism" despite not knowing what it means.

its when the government enforces they're preferred policies.
The government contains an Executive branch that is responsible for enforcing policies. Government existence is not fascism. I realize that you think everything is fascism but it just isn't.

You still haven't answered my question about whether there is anything, in your opinion, that isn't fascism. My assumption is that you can't think of any exceptions at this time.

like a law you must buy insurance, like a law you must take a drug.
The word you seek is "tyranny," not "fascism."
Translation: You have no response and are therefore tipping your king.

Not when the fascism is destroying the corporation. We've long since established that you are compelled to fill your posts with the word "fascism" despite not knowing what it means.

The government contains an Executive branch that is responsible for enforcing policies. Government existence is not fascism. I realize that you think everything is fascism but it just isn't.

You still haven't answered my question about whether there is anything, in your opinion, that isn't fascism. My assumption is that you can't think of any exceptions at this time.

The word you seek is "tyranny," not "fascism."
government and corporations working together in a monolithic power structure is fascism.

Obtenebrator is correct. While a contract might appear simple, it has to meet various legal requirements to be binding and enforceable, and those requirements are definitely not simple as you imply. At a minimum in the US, beyond a clear offer and acceptance, there must be consideration, mutual assent, capability of understanding and legality of purpose. It does absolutely no good to enter into a contract that either party can nix at will. This is why you always want to have a lawyer review any sort of contract before you sign, i.e. you want a trained professional to help you make sure everything is good-to-go as you intend.
Your talking legal contract I'm not. The vast majority of contracts aren't "legal" in the sense your talking about.
government and corporations working together in a monolithic power structure is fascism.
Nope, not even close, but you are still operating under the axiom that everything is fascism. You still haven't been able to specify anything that isn't fascism. Do you see how ridiculous your perspective is?
Your talking legal contract I'm not. The vast majority of contracts aren't "legal" in the sense your talking about.
Then they aren't contracts. You need to find a different word/term, perhaps "informal agreements," "handshake deals," etc...
Nope, not even close, but you are still operating under the axiom that everything is fascism. You still haven't been able to specify anything that isn't fascism. Do you see how ridiculous your perspective is?
you're a corporatist ass suck who's trying to redefine what fascism is.


most libertarians are now.

its so sad.
Obtenebrator is correct. While a contract might appear simple, it has to meet various legal requirements to be binding and enforceable, and those requirements are definitely not simple as you imply. At a minimum in the US, beyond a clear offer and acceptance, there must be consideration, mutual assent, capability of understanding and legality of purpose. It does absolutely no good to enter into a contract that either party can nix at will. This is why you always want to have a lawyer review any sort of contract before you sign, i.e. you want a trained professional to help you make sure everything is good-to-go as you intend.
No. Yakuda is correct. A contract can by anything that the two parties agree to. There does not even have to be 'legality of purpose', or a requirement that either party cannot nix the contract at will. Agreeing to ANY contract is 'mutual assent' by definition, not a legal requirement.

A contract is just an offer and consideration by definition. No legal requirement makes it otherwise.

What you are describing is how a court will view a contract, especially to procedures to follow for a contract to void, and by what guidelines they will enforce a contract to NOT void (to hold both parties in binding agreement). This is the US law you are referring to, but it is NOT required for a contract to exist. Just one that is enforceable by the courts.
Your talking legal contract I'm not. The vast majority of contracts aren't "legal" in the sense your talking about.
Quite right. A so-called "handshake agreement" is a contract, even if it isn't enforceable by the courts.

If that handshake agreement contract is satisfied and completes, it is done, just as if it were a legally binding contract.
If either party backs out, that contract becomes void. Sometimes, such agreements are enforced by something other than a court, such as by vengeance.