Media slams GDP boom: ‘Don’t buy it,’ ‘blip,’ ‘too big’

4.1% GDP is a good quarter. It's funny you feel the need to write the above as if people don't understand how GDP is calculated.

As I see it, 1st Q growth tends to be the most stagnant, and 4th Q growth benefits from a built-in advantage for retail. If we can get through Q3 in good shape, then Trump will have a good year. The real trick is to still be riding high at this time, next year.
We'll have to see - I think Trump's economic policy is VERY geared toward short term gain.

That said, I celebrate what's happening right now. It's great to see the economy humming along like this. I'm sure the left downplays it because they think it benefits Trump & the GOP, but I think it's actually pretty limited in that capacity.

I do think there is a gamble being played, that he can get his trade deals in order—allowing him to reset tariff policy—before the long-term.