Hitler's, Limbaugh's, and Trump's Secret: Teaching People How To Feel Superior

these tyrants always get their due......Adolf shot himself and his body burnt to a crisp

Rush caught a serious case of cancer, hopefully the evil fuck died writhing in pain

Trump is forever disgraced, will go down in history as the very worst president ever, and no doubt will die in humiliation
Correct. Many think if someone does not invade Poland no comparison to Hitler is valid.

It's the ideology that they believe in, and not what Hitler did, that matters, but unfortunately the feeble minded Trump supporters are espousing Trumpian fascism and are not smart enough to know the difference between democracy ( a leader chosen by the people for a term)and fascism ( making Trump the permanent supreme leader).
It's the ideology that they believe in, and not what Hitler did, that matters, but unfortunately the feeble minded Trump supporters are espousing Trumpian fascism and are not smart enough to know the difference between democracy ( a leader chosen by the people for a term)and fascism ( making Trump the permanent supreme leader).

Fully agree. Many right wingers despise democracy.
It's the ideology that they believe in, and not what Hitler did, that matters, but unfortunately the feeble minded Trump supporters are espousing Trumpian fascism and are not smart enough to know the difference between democracy ( a leader chosen by the people for a term)and fascism ( making Trump the permanent supreme leader).

yep, cut from the same cloth.....Trump would gladly follow pure Nazi doctrine if not for the Congress and SC
these tyrants always get their due......Adolf shot himself and his body burnt to a crisp

Rush caught a serious case of cancer, hopefully the evil fuck died writhing in pain

Trump is forever disgraced, will go down in history as the very worst president ever, and no doubt will die in humiliation

why do you inferior people complain about being inferior?......
Hello reagansghost,

Republicans have learned to feel better about themselves by putting down others.

Democrats have learned to feel better about themselves by helping others.


Totally true.

Great point, well made.

And you know I am going to agree with this. I am all about being civil, polite and respectful. I refuse to even talk to people who can't converse on a basic premise of mutual respect. There are valid and honest ways to make people feel good about themselves. The most basic way is to respect them.

We don't need to put anybody down to get our points across.

All that is required is to make a valid point. Disrespect just detracts from a point well made. Dilutes it.