I have written a poem to express my disgust at what Democrat socialist( sorry, "progressive") politicians have done to California over the past four decades. It is a warning that the kind of radical "progressive," Democrats who are currently acting as Biden's handlers MUST be defeated as soon as is possible. If they are not, they will to all of America, what lunatic, socialist Democrat Governors like Jerry "Moon - Beam" Brown and Gary Newsome, have done to California.
When Jerry "Moon-Beam" Brown, passed the leftie Crown, on to Gavin Newsome
The "Golden State" was struggling with many a serious problem
Yes, old "Moon-Beam" had handed down a FUBAR situation
California was looking like a fucked up Third World nation
Gavin was a "pretty boy", a "party boy", - a spoilt, "progressive" elite
Who was privileged to have his "Aunty Nancy" set him up in politics
When Nancy Pelosi is your Aunt, you're bound to have loony-left genetics
In any case, Gavin's now sealed his fate through implementing socialist policies
Being a hard-left Democrat, and a nit-wit, by even that standard
Governor Newsome swiftly inflammed the cock-ups that old "Moon-Beam" had left him
Dreadful public services, record homelessness and infrastructure battered
Lots of violent Chicano gangs, tax-rates through the roof, an elephantine Welfare state, and that's just to begin
The "Golden State", has the best climate, and most sublime natural beauty in America
It was a sun that shone the whole year round pon idyllic coastal vistas
This created the "California Sound" in 1964, and "Fun,Fun,Fun" was at the top of life's agenda
But now Californians are fleeing a state that' s become a Democratic "progressive" Dystopia
The millions of illegal aliens Governor Gavin has welcomed in to stay
Tend to gather in the state's big cities like 'Frisco, Seattle and LA
But there's a terrible problem you see, for these cities lack enough public lavatories
Due to this - the Democrats in their wisdom - rewrote the law to make public pooping legal again!
So noe the sidewalk and paths of San Franciso be bespeckled with thousands of piles of poop
And navigating a footpath to your destination, is like tip-toeing through a Viet Cong mine-field in 1968
Due to the liberalisation of public pooping laws, wont get a ticket even when you cry out a warning: "Bombs Away"
Then squeeze out a "good 'un" in Walmart, ("Aisle number 8"), when you been "caught short" in the bakery section while shopping for cakes.
I know it all sounds like jolly good fun, but there's an unhealthy and very smelly downside to, the de-criminalizing public poos
It's also free to have pee any where in the public domain, provided its not on some other poor dude (according to John Locke's moral rule)
And that's not all, because you're also free to inject intravenous drugs in the street, like, smack and crystal meth, or whatever you choose
Govenor Gavin think its so cool, that every year he give the addicts 5 billion free syringes to use.
California is now renouned for piles of poop, the pervasive stench of human urine and thousands of used needles scattered everywhere
On top of this there are giant piles of rotting trash lining the lengths of many streets and lanes
Rats think rotting trash is very yummy, so they infest these mounds of rubbish, and soon they multiply, but when there are too many, beware
Because the fleas they carry can spread "Typhus" and "The Bubonic Plague" to people, just like they did in Medieval days
Massive government regulations, sky-high property prices and high taxation, putrid mounds of decaying trash breeding a zillion dirty rats
Exhibition poopsters and piss - cutters abound, with piles of disgusting turds all around, used drug needles are strewn on the ground
Crumbling infrastructure, regular "power-grid outs", crappy, public K-12 schools, illegal Mexicanos and "woke" billionaire Democrats
Have finally triggered a mass out-migration; yes California's middle-classes have "Hit the Road Jack" headed for Texas, and they ain't comin' back
California is morphing into a filthy, degenerate, FUBAR mess, aka, a Third World state
Where the middle -class are punished, while the insider elites - (fascist scum like Governor Newsome) - pander to the rich
And the poor are cynically romanticised, for the truth of their fate is a life of hopeless misery as wretched serfs and slaves
And while they destroy and despoil all that was good in the state, "California Uber Alles" (!) hiss all the socialist Democrat snakes
Where I live in Australia is next to the East Coast where there are beaches just like those in Southern California, we have sunny weather all year round as well. We are fotunate that the crazy political left has never been given an opportunity to ruin our state. When I was younger, my friend and I were keen surfboard riders because there are lots of good surf beaches 15 minutes drive aways. We used to listen to "Beach Boys" because the music matched the vibe of surfing scene (sun, surf, sea, sand, girls in bikinis, "Hot" -modified - cars). The "Beach Boys" music was "Glad-To-Be-Alive", you can hear the optimism, exuberance, and happiness (the "Good Vibration") in their songs, and they were inspired by beautiful,natural landscapes and sunny - in all senses - lives the Beach Boys lived in Southern California.
Yesterday I was playing around on "You Tube" listening to pop songs from my era, when I noticed the name Burt Bacharach appear in the playlist of songs. I thought "That's odd", then I realised I had been listening to Elvis Costello, and that in the later half of the 1990's Barcharcharch and Elvis Costello combined forces to produce and album together. Anyway, it reminded me that I used to love listing to my parents' Burt Bacharach LPs when I was a kid. One of the Bacharach songs that came up on You Tube was "Do You Know the Way to San Hose", so I played it and it blew me away. Strangely Burt cannot sing a note, brilliant composer, but even I could sing better than him (and I'm shit), so in this song he has Dionne Warwick singing the lyrics and her voice is absolutely angelic. This recording was from 1968, and there is one little passage of lyrics in the song that goes:
LA is a great big freeway, put a hundred down and buy a car
In a week ,maybe two, they'll make you a star
Burt Bacharach and his family lived in LA for many years and this song was released in 1968.I always imagined that the "freeway" above was intended to be an icon of American freedom, in the sense that a freeway allows you to travel more efficiently and more quickly to faraway places; a freeway is something that allows people to broaden their life's horizons. LA was the place where America, and the world's, very firstfreeway was built. I don't think LA was ever intended to end up in the state of dereliction is in today (That's actually not how Bacarach wanted the "freeway" to be interpreted , but never mind). The point is that LA was a forward-looking, ambititious, "go-for-it" kind of place when it successfully completed the giant freeway project, and now California and LA are being run by dickhhead Democrat socialists who can't even manage to stop illegal immigrant shitting all over the streets of their cities.
I blame the radial left-wing of the Democratic Party for the ongoing process of destroying California, the most naturally beautiful state of the US, and one of the world's most outstanding domains of beautiful landscapes.
Their primary strategy was to encougage millions upon millions of illegal Hispanic and Latinos immigrants into the state as permanent residents.
These illegals, millions of then are encouraged to vote Democrat via bribery with packages of costly government benefits.
The middle -class pay for this government largesse via the dirtbag, Democrat administraion hiking gas tax, hiking sales tax and hiking income tax. And pushing the cost of a modest family property sky high.
In short, The Democrat socialists running the state are hell bent on destroying the Californian middle-class and they are succeeding.
The bloated rats, the shit- speckled streets, the filthy massive piles of rotting trash on every corner, addicts shooting up smack in the street and throwing their spikes into parks and gutters and alley-ways; (step on one and you better get yourself to hospital fast to check if you have been infected Hep-C or HIV), people publicly pissing up against the walls of shops, degenerates squatting down and crapping in the middle of public sidewalks where pedestrians are walking. THIS FILTH, DEPRAVITY, MORAL TURPITUDE DEGENERACY IS THE VERITABLE HALLMARK OF THE FAR- LEFT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN AMERICA. They would do well , i think,to pluck a large "Richard the Third" (from the thousands of juicy specimens on offer) off a street in LA, have it gold -plated and use it as their official logo; either that or consider using a stuffed, street rat.
Why is it that this filth and squalor and disease and degeneracy are noted characteristics of cities that are run by Democrat "progressives" (socialis)ts ? The answer is that socialism is an evil - a profoundly (morally) bad- false political ideology. It is innately anti-human and anti-life, thus it turns men into depraved animals (both its leaders and those it enslaves) Socialism never creates or grows anything that is good, rather is passion lies in the destruction of anything that has true value/meaning. It is motivated by the believef that there is only one true reality -POWER The power of an elite minority over a society of imprisioned plebian slaves. SAME AS IT EVER WAS in Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's Red Chine, Pol Polt Cambodia, Niclos Maduro's Venezuela...SAME ... AS ... IT ...EVER ... WAS !!
When Jerry "Moon-Beam" Brown, passed the leftie Crown, on to Gavin Newsome
The "Golden State" was struggling with many a serious problem
Yes, old "Moon-Beam" had handed down a FUBAR situation
California was looking like a fucked up Third World nation
Gavin was a "pretty boy", a "party boy", - a spoilt, "progressive" elite
Who was privileged to have his "Aunty Nancy" set him up in politics
When Nancy Pelosi is your Aunt, you're bound to have loony-left genetics
In any case, Gavin's now sealed his fate through implementing socialist policies
Being a hard-left Democrat, and a nit-wit, by even that standard
Governor Newsome swiftly inflammed the cock-ups that old "Moon-Beam" had left him
Dreadful public services, record homelessness and infrastructure battered
Lots of violent Chicano gangs, tax-rates through the roof, an elephantine Welfare state, and that's just to begin
The "Golden State", has the best climate, and most sublime natural beauty in America
It was a sun that shone the whole year round pon idyllic coastal vistas
This created the "California Sound" in 1964, and "Fun,Fun,Fun" was at the top of life's agenda
But now Californians are fleeing a state that' s become a Democratic "progressive" Dystopia
The millions of illegal aliens Governor Gavin has welcomed in to stay
Tend to gather in the state's big cities like 'Frisco, Seattle and LA
But there's a terrible problem you see, for these cities lack enough public lavatories
Due to this - the Democrats in their wisdom - rewrote the law to make public pooping legal again!
So noe the sidewalk and paths of San Franciso be bespeckled with thousands of piles of poop
And navigating a footpath to your destination, is like tip-toeing through a Viet Cong mine-field in 1968
Due to the liberalisation of public pooping laws, wont get a ticket even when you cry out a warning: "Bombs Away"
Then squeeze out a "good 'un" in Walmart, ("Aisle number 8"), when you been "caught short" in the bakery section while shopping for cakes.
I know it all sounds like jolly good fun, but there's an unhealthy and very smelly downside to, the de-criminalizing public poos
It's also free to have pee any where in the public domain, provided its not on some other poor dude (according to John Locke's moral rule)
And that's not all, because you're also free to inject intravenous drugs in the street, like, smack and crystal meth, or whatever you choose
Govenor Gavin think its so cool, that every year he give the addicts 5 billion free syringes to use.
California is now renouned for piles of poop, the pervasive stench of human urine and thousands of used needles scattered everywhere
On top of this there are giant piles of rotting trash lining the lengths of many streets and lanes
Rats think rotting trash is very yummy, so they infest these mounds of rubbish, and soon they multiply, but when there are too many, beware
Because the fleas they carry can spread "Typhus" and "The Bubonic Plague" to people, just like they did in Medieval days
Massive government regulations, sky-high property prices and high taxation, putrid mounds of decaying trash breeding a zillion dirty rats
Exhibition poopsters and piss - cutters abound, with piles of disgusting turds all around, used drug needles are strewn on the ground
Crumbling infrastructure, regular "power-grid outs", crappy, public K-12 schools, illegal Mexicanos and "woke" billionaire Democrats
Have finally triggered a mass out-migration; yes California's middle-classes have "Hit the Road Jack" headed for Texas, and they ain't comin' back
California is morphing into a filthy, degenerate, FUBAR mess, aka, a Third World state
Where the middle -class are punished, while the insider elites - (fascist scum like Governor Newsome) - pander to the rich
And the poor are cynically romanticised, for the truth of their fate is a life of hopeless misery as wretched serfs and slaves
And while they destroy and despoil all that was good in the state, "California Uber Alles" (!) hiss all the socialist Democrat snakes
Where I live in Australia is next to the East Coast where there are beaches just like those in Southern California, we have sunny weather all year round as well. We are fotunate that the crazy political left has never been given an opportunity to ruin our state. When I was younger, my friend and I were keen surfboard riders because there are lots of good surf beaches 15 minutes drive aways. We used to listen to "Beach Boys" because the music matched the vibe of surfing scene (sun, surf, sea, sand, girls in bikinis, "Hot" -modified - cars). The "Beach Boys" music was "Glad-To-Be-Alive", you can hear the optimism, exuberance, and happiness (the "Good Vibration") in their songs, and they were inspired by beautiful,natural landscapes and sunny - in all senses - lives the Beach Boys lived in Southern California.
Yesterday I was playing around on "You Tube" listening to pop songs from my era, when I noticed the name Burt Bacharach appear in the playlist of songs. I thought "That's odd", then I realised I had been listening to Elvis Costello, and that in the later half of the 1990's Barcharcharch and Elvis Costello combined forces to produce and album together. Anyway, it reminded me that I used to love listing to my parents' Burt Bacharach LPs when I was a kid. One of the Bacharach songs that came up on You Tube was "Do You Know the Way to San Hose", so I played it and it blew me away. Strangely Burt cannot sing a note, brilliant composer, but even I could sing better than him (and I'm shit), so in this song he has Dionne Warwick singing the lyrics and her voice is absolutely angelic. This recording was from 1968, and there is one little passage of lyrics in the song that goes:
LA is a great big freeway, put a hundred down and buy a car
In a week ,maybe two, they'll make you a star
Burt Bacharach and his family lived in LA for many years and this song was released in 1968.I always imagined that the "freeway" above was intended to be an icon of American freedom, in the sense that a freeway allows you to travel more efficiently and more quickly to faraway places; a freeway is something that allows people to broaden their life's horizons. LA was the place where America, and the world's, very firstfreeway was built. I don't think LA was ever intended to end up in the state of dereliction is in today (That's actually not how Bacarach wanted the "freeway" to be interpreted , but never mind). The point is that LA was a forward-looking, ambititious, "go-for-it" kind of place when it successfully completed the giant freeway project, and now California and LA are being run by dickhhead Democrat socialists who can't even manage to stop illegal immigrant shitting all over the streets of their cities.
I blame the radial left-wing of the Democratic Party for the ongoing process of destroying California, the most naturally beautiful state of the US, and one of the world's most outstanding domains of beautiful landscapes.
Their primary strategy was to encougage millions upon millions of illegal Hispanic and Latinos immigrants into the state as permanent residents.
These illegals, millions of then are encouraged to vote Democrat via bribery with packages of costly government benefits.
The middle -class pay for this government largesse via the dirtbag, Democrat administraion hiking gas tax, hiking sales tax and hiking income tax. And pushing the cost of a modest family property sky high.
In short, The Democrat socialists running the state are hell bent on destroying the Californian middle-class and they are succeeding.
The bloated rats, the shit- speckled streets, the filthy massive piles of rotting trash on every corner, addicts shooting up smack in the street and throwing their spikes into parks and gutters and alley-ways; (step on one and you better get yourself to hospital fast to check if you have been infected Hep-C or HIV), people publicly pissing up against the walls of shops, degenerates squatting down and crapping in the middle of public sidewalks where pedestrians are walking. THIS FILTH, DEPRAVITY, MORAL TURPITUDE DEGENERACY IS THE VERITABLE HALLMARK OF THE FAR- LEFT OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN AMERICA. They would do well , i think,to pluck a large "Richard the Third" (from the thousands of juicy specimens on offer) off a street in LA, have it gold -plated and use it as their official logo; either that or consider using a stuffed, street rat.
Why is it that this filth and squalor and disease and degeneracy are noted characteristics of cities that are run by Democrat "progressives" (socialis)ts ? The answer is that socialism is an evil - a profoundly (morally) bad- false political ideology. It is innately anti-human and anti-life, thus it turns men into depraved animals (both its leaders and those it enslaves) Socialism never creates or grows anything that is good, rather is passion lies in the destruction of anything that has true value/meaning. It is motivated by the believef that there is only one true reality -POWER The power of an elite minority over a society of imprisioned plebian slaves. SAME AS IT EVER WAS in Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's Red Chine, Pol Polt Cambodia, Niclos Maduro's Venezuela...SAME ... AS ... IT ...EVER ... WAS !!
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