And then I saw his rippling muscles


What is the deal with the repressed homosexuality that is coloring our media coverage of Presidential candidates? Please tell me. I have noted for some time that the male pundits obsession with John McCain was nothing less than a huge crush. I mean, for God Sakes I’ve seen some of them actually giggle when talking about him. I really don’t think that Dixie’s long, homo-erotic post about Bush and his flight suit and his jeans, was anomalous.

Now listen to this BS.

In a February 13 column for The Politico, chief political columnist Roger Simon wrote this about former Republican Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney :
Romney has chiseled-out-of-granite features, a full, dark head of hair going a distinguished gray at the temples, and a barrel chest. On the morning that he announced for president, I bumped into him in the lounge of the Marriott and up close he is almost overpowering. He radiates vigor.

For God Sakes, I hope they got a room! Talk about a bodice-ripper. I met him in the lounge, he was overpowering. His manliness was so radiating it was nearly throbbing. I took a step towards him and…
And, from Chris Matthews, who by the way is absolutely one of the ones whom I personally have witnessed giggling like a schoolgirl over Mcain:

Additionally, on the January 19 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, host Chris Matthews said of Romney: "He has the perfect chin, the perfect hair, he looks right. He looks like a Mountie. He looks like from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police."

Why don’t these guys just come out of the closet? As a heterosexual female, their taste in men really puzzles me, but you know, it is obvious that they like men, so get on with it already, and stop coloring the national debate with your homo-erotic fantasies.
"Romney has chiseled-out-of-granite features, a full, dark head of hair going a distinguished gray at the temples, and a barrel chest. On the morning that he announced for president, I bumped into him in the lounge of the Marriott and up close he is almost overpowering. He radiates vigor."

Jesus, this could have been written by Dixie....

DIXIE (fullpolitics): "I LOVE GEORGE BUSH! I love the way he talks, I love his accent, I love when he wears jeans, I love to sit and listen to him talk about his ideas, I love his swagger.

I LOVE GEORGE BUSH! There I said it!"
LOL. I know. It could have been written by me too, if I was in a drunken stupor at 3;am in a hotel lobby.

And you know, I haven’t been in that situation in years. I don’t care who says they can prove otherwise!

It’s all so hysterical. Don’t they hear themselves?
Remember when Chris Mathews and G. Gordon Liddy were marveling, and giggling over the "package" Bush was sporting when he wore that tight Aviator's costume for the mission accomplished speech?