This is a great insight into the potential repercussions of Mexico's hard turn left. Basically, the center right Presidents like Fox had an incentive to push their citizens to the US because it would help them balance their budgets.

But as this socialist promises ever expanding welfare, it could dissuade those Mexicans from traveling northward. This would in turn hurt the democrat party because they have in essence pinned their entire electoral future on bringing immigrants to the US as their loyal voting block.

I have said before that the bet the democrat party is making on hispanics is a dangerous one and relies on the assumption that their other core voters will always remain in lock step with them. Nothing could be further from the truth. President Trump's 2016 victory should highlight for all that political allegiances are not static.

For example, I believe that there is a low level awakening happening in the black community right now that could alter the electoral balance for decades. If the black community feels that jobs are more plentiful and welfare is less they will grudgingly accept Donald Trump and no amount of race baiting by Al Sharpton will change that.

Additionally democrats run the risk of running off gay men with their "white privilege" rhetoric. You see, one of the groups that liberals hate are "rich, white males". Well, many in the gay community are "rich and white". Thinking their gayness trumps everything is a huge political mistake.

Again, I am not going to make any predictions yet. But, unless something major happens to take Trump down, I don't see how the democrat party could stop him in 2020