A conservative Libertarian's perspective: quotations from 1992 LP presidential candidate Andre Marrou

The following excerpted from U.S. Presidential candidate Libertarian Andre Marrou's
1992 stump speech.

The annual subsidy for each American dairy cow is between $600-$700 dollars a year.
This is greater than the per capita income of half of the worlds population. And what do
we get for that? We get a price for milk and other dairy products that's double the
world's level.
Who does this impinge on? Primarily poor people with children. Rich people could care
less what the price of milk is. Poor people without children, they don't use much milk.
It's the poor people with children who are primarily hurt by this.

"... the income tax only brings in about a third of federal revenues. That leaves
us two thirds to operate the government on. Now; the two thirds of the budget this year
is equal to an entire budget how many years ago? Most people will guess like 1949,
1962. The answer is just 1985, seven years ago. All we have to do to get rid of the
personal income tax is to get rid of the excessive government that the Democrats and
Republicans have created during just the past seven years. It is that easy, it would be
pretty easy to do. But as I've mentioned before it would require intelligence and
courage. Now what do we ... operate the government on? The basic, original
Constitution has 4 taxes in it that supported the government of the United States
roughly until 1913, when the Democrats & Republicans gave us the income tax. We
can utilize those taxes. I think they're called excises, tariffs, imposts, and duties. And
that is what supported the government until then.”

Some of this has been refuted. That's fine. Comments welcome.