Paul Hill died as defiantly as he had lived.

America’s most infamous abortion clinic killer was executed at 6 p.m. on Sept. 3, 2003.

As the hour approached, supporters gathered outside to promise divine retribution for Hill’s death.

They howled as a storm broke above their heads, seeing the weather as a sign of heaven’s wrath.

Hill calmly used his last words to urge others to continue his bloody crusade.

“If you believe abortion is a lethal force, you should oppose the force and do what you have to do to stop it,” he said

Like Hill, his emulators have proved unrepentant.

In the 12 years since Hill’s execution, dozens of people have taken up his call, attacking abortion clinics with bombs and bullets, acid and axes.

They have ambushed doctors in their homes and offices, killing four, including one physician who survived a previous assassination attempt. They have even killed clinic receptionists.

Their own words reveal a murderously Manichaean mindset that rivals the Islamic State in its black-or-white brutality.

“Abortion is murder,” said Eric Rudolph in 2005 as he was sentenced to life without parole for the 1998 bombing of an abortion clinic that killed an off-duty cop. “And because it is murder I believe deadly force is needed to stop it.”
