
As befitting a democracy there are twenty (20) parties. Two of them are missing a leader and one has no candidates running but it's the thought that counts.

Liberal: Jean Charest

Parti Québécois: Pauline Marois

Coalition Avenir Québec: François Legault

Québec solidaire: Françoise David and/or Amir Khadir

Option nationale: Jean-Martin Aussant

Independent: Looks like they're missing a leader.

Green: Claude Sabourin

Coalition pour la constituante: Marc Fafard

Conservative: Luc Harvey

Marxist-Leninist: Pierre Chénier

Quebec Citizens' Union: Alexis St-Gelais

Autonomist Team: Guy Boivin

Unité Nationale: Paul Biron

Parti indépendantiste: Michel Lepage

Parti nul: Renaud Blais (A)

Middle Class: Jean Lavoie

Bloc Pot: Hugô St-Onge (B)

Quebec – Democratic Revolution: Robert Genesse

Equitable: Yvan Rodrigue

Independent Option nationale: Another party missing a leader.

(A) The Parti Nul: Mathieu Marcil gets a lot of puzzled looks and smiles when he tells people he's running in the Quebec election for an outfit called the Parti nul — which translates loosely as the "nothing," or "void," party." A true Quebec entrepreneur he wants all the spoiled/void ballots to be counted as a vote for his party. I'm betting he winters in Florida (think: hanging chads).

(B) The Bloc Pot is a political party in the province of Quebec, Canada, that is dedicated to ending cannabis prohibition and setting the ground for a more sensible and comprehensive drug policy. Since 1998, the Bloc Pot has contested two general elections and several by-elections. In 2000, its members helped launch the Marijuana Party of Canada in order to lobby the federal government more efficiently."

Then there's the regular communists and the separatists and.....well, there's something for everyone.