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Thread: Herman "Bigsby" Cain: "Black White Supremacist-Op-Ed by Ron Robinson for OpenSalon

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    Default Herman "Bigsby" Cain: "Black White Supremacist-Op-Ed by Ron Robinson for OpenSalon

    As I said recently on the Huffington Post, I admit to being sickened by seeing so many of the same people commenting on HP who now support Herman Cain also say some of the most racist and hateful things about Black people and Obama. The hypocrisy couldn't be more evident. That's why I proposed that HP maintain this treasure trove of proof and do an official content/discourse analysis that compares the comments these Cain supporters made in favor of Cain versus the racist views and sentiments they expressed against Obama, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. elsewhere on the website. This would prove false the bogus claim that these users (and others like them on the right) are NOT racist BECAUSE they support Cain.

    I don't deprive Cain the success he's achieved in business. He's very intelligent, talented and clearly charismatic. Yet despite the success he's enjoyed, he's had the nerve to say that it's "YOUR FAULT" if you're not as successful as him OR if you're unemployed. Cain's POLITICAL SUCCESS and support seems clearly related to this kind of blatant insensitivity, which is reflected in his embrace of the racist, i.e., white supremacist narrative of the "birthers" and willingness to spread racist stereotypes of Black people, Muslims, Latinos, Obama etc. In other words, the race-based hate that is the common currency of the so-called, "base," of the GOP/TP. And given Cain's extensive ties with the Koch Brothers, it seems doubtful that he's just a "fifteen minutes of fame" wonder, but will continue to publicly champion white supremacy for a long time to come.


    In case you are unfamiliar with the decades-long definition and description of of racism against people of color, especially Blacks and Native Americans, as "white supremacy," please see the following current resources (this is a mainstream conceptualization within the social sciences and humanities, especially among scholars who address issues of race, ethnicity, and culture):

    The invisible weight of whiteness: the racial grammar of everyday life in contemporary America

    State of White Supremacy: Racism, Governance, and the United States

    Racism, Public Schooling, and the Entrenchment of White Supremacy

    And here's author and scholar Tim Wise eloquently presenting an accurate portrayal of the phenomena/term "white supremacy:"

    (video at site)

    And Here's Cornell West talking about the phenomena of Black people who have internalized aspects of white supremacy themselves (what Frederick Douglass also called "mental slavery"). This is a phenomena that almost all Black people must come to terms with in their/our lives and it can be extremely painful (DuBois wrote about this in "Souls of Black Folks" in 1903. Recall his concepts of "double consciousness," "the veil," and "second sight" for instance. Also Frantz Fanon in the early/mid 1960's - "Black Skin, White Mask" and "The Wretched of the Earth" for example). I know I had to come to terms with it, as did my brother and my father (will be discussed in forthcoming family autobiography). However, some Black folks (as well as other people of color) become so infected by the virus of white supremacy that not only do they become completely blind to and/or in denial of the infection, but they transmit it proudly and happily (as in the subject of this tome and one particular Jurist to sadly name but a few with particularly virulent strains of it):

    (video at site)

    To summarize, white supremacy is a psychosocio-historic system of racial domination expressed through policies, laws, customs, norms, beliefs, attitudes, sentiments, language, behaviors, patterns of practice, etc. which maintain the superiority, privileging, normalizing, and universalizing of White people and their ways of knowing and being and the subordination and dis-privileging of people of color, especially Blacks and Native Americans, in most spheres of life. This includes their cultural ways of knowing, being, communicating, speaking, etc. as well as their physical qualities.

    "It operates on a continuum with mild forms of racism at one end leading to more severe types of racism at the other. For instance, when people of color deal with everyday slights such as not being served properly at a department store, or being followed in the store by security officers, this can be deemed as 'mild' forms of white supremacy in action. More 'severe' forms can be associated with the Ku Klux Klan attacks on people of color or heavy-handed policing in African-American communities."

    In other words, the term and multi-faceted phenomena of "white supremacy" is not at all relegated to the terrorist and extremist versions embodied by the Klan etc. In fact, the extremist violence against Blacks was NEVER accurately conceptualized, defined, and termed for what it was and what it is - RIGHT-WING WHITE TERRORISM. As such, unless this more accurate understanding of white supremacy in terms of systemic racism becomes more widespread, the underpinning of the racial issues that continue to plague the U.S. will continue to not only oppress Black folks and other historically oppressed racial minorities, but it will undermine the efforts of the "99% movement" to create the more fair, just, and equitable democracy envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King. Sadly, those with the power to impose the view of white supremacy as limited to terrorist violence continue to hold sway in our society.

    This includes some White liberals and progressives as well. A destructive manifestation of this false and limited view of white supremacy is the tainting of those of us who use the more accurate definition of the term (i.e., to describe the dominant form of racism in America) as engaging in "abusive language!" I wonder if those hurling this bogus and hurtful charge realize that by positioning their limiting definitions of racism and white supremacy to be "superior," "supreme," and "the norm" while stigmatizing ours as "abusive language" are in fact practicing white supremacy by doing so. The result is to once again place themselves in the "supreme" and "superior" position and render as "inferiors" those who actually suffer from the phenomena and are actually in the position to accurately define it.

    Could you imagine their giving Black people veto power over the terms that White people have chosen to define biases against their particular ethnic groups? Just another double standard and assault we're expect to grin, bear, and suffer silently while others "set the agenda."


    Speaking of white supremacy, Republican leaders with a history of it, like Haley Barbour (Mississippi White Citizens' Council apologist) and Newt Gingrich (Obama was raised by his Kenyan, "Mau Mau" terrorist, white people hating father) are now saying that Republican/Tea Party members' support of Cain is "PROOF" that they're NOT racist. It seems that trying to "prove" that their backlash against and hatred for Obama and "big government" and "liberals" (which they see as synonymous with "the Blacks," "reparations," "illegals," etc.) isn't racist is a potent motivation for their vocal support of Cain. So is the possibility of receiving life-time dispensation and exoneration for a life time marred by racist/white-supremacist sentiments in return for that support. Of course, they don't see it as racism/white-suprmemacy, but as good old fashion, "Conservatism."

    Not so, according to author and journalist Bakari Kitwana in his coverage of this so called "Conservative Backlash." Nor according to Political Science Professor Robert C. Smith, who has empirically demonstrated that in American politics, conservatism and racism are the same and always have been. And perhaps even more poignantly, Chauncey DeVega captures this point succinctly in the provocative title of his piece, The Rotten Heart of White Conservatism: The Nonsense Argument That is White People are Oppressed in the Age of Obama.

    On a personal note, regarding the support of these "conservatives" for Cain, my father (who's an 83 year old Black man born and raised in the South during Segregation and has seen it all) is admittedly sickened by this phenomenon and how the media has played along with it. I wonder if the media is afraid to raise the issue of Cain's racism and that of his supporters for fear of receiving an avalanche of organized hate mail and death threats from the Tea Party. But they shouldn't fear. Black folks and fair-minded people from all walks of life feel the same way towards this support for Cain and agree with how Sean Penn recently described the Tea Party, i.e., as the "Get the N-word out of the White House Party."

    And if Cain can help then get the job done, then even better.


    That's why many people are beginning to metaphorically refer to Cain as the "Clayton Bigsby" of the GOP/TP. They feel that Cain is a shill for masking the Koch Brother funded white supremacy/racism of those who hate Obama, "big government" and "liberals" (aka, "N-word lovers"). Who's Clayton Bigsby? In case you've never seen it, here's Dave Chappelle's brilliant satire of the type of "Black White Supremacy" preached and practiced by his fictional character, "Clayton Bigsby" (Please sign-in to YouTube and give a "thumbs up" to AdamElseify's comment on Herman Cain. Somehow his previous "cough-Herman Cain-cough" comment disappeared, a day ago, and it wasn't the uploader who deleted it. In fact, he liked the comment. It earned over 60 "thumbs up" in 1 week! Come on folks give it some love.)

    Exploring this satirical Bigsby analogy a bit further, Cain's metaphorical "hood" is represented by his willingness to express racist sentiments, support racist narratives, and pander to the white supremacy of the GOP/TP base. Take away that part of his "message" and his support would dry up as quickly as Bigsby's after he removed his literal hood.

    Within the context of pandering to white supremacy, consider the fact that Cain had the nerve to stick up for and lie on behalf of Hank Williams, who compared our first Black President to Hitler - a monster who was responsibl*e for 50 million deaths, including hundreds of thousands of American casualties*. Cain told Lawrence O'Donnell during his interview that Williams never mentioned Obama in his Hitler analogy. IN FACT, when Fox interviewe*r, Gretchen Carlson, specifical*ly asked Williams whom he was referring to, Williams unambiguou*sly answered, "Obama."

    Even more troubling, Cain falsely portrayed the Civil Rights Movement as essentially over by the time he finished high school, and that was why he didn't participate - he was too young.

    IN FACT, Cain had graduated Morehouse College, Dr. Martin Luther King's own alma mater, BEFORE King was assassinat*ed while leading the movement to help CHANGE America to BEGIN to include people like Cain. Yet Cain depicted the movement as long over. How hateful, ungrateful*, and disrespect*ful to King's ultimate sacrifice AND the Movement can one be!


    Finally, In contrast to Cain's disgraceful treatment of Dr. King's legacy and disdain for the 99% Movement (and to the hijacking of Dr. King's legacy to promote an aggressive form of white supremacy), I leave you with this respectful call for us to pick up where Dr. King left off, as the 99% Movement is beginning to do. Here's President Obama's excellent speech at the dedication of the Martin Luther King Memorial yesterday making this point:

    Ron Robinson
    Bio: My field is social brain science/cognitive science and my research focuses on social, political, and media related issues and problems and how they effect and are effected by psychophysiological processes. I blog for Huffington Post, and love to play the piano, African drum, conduct symphonies, hike, have fun, write, and cook

    Now there. - poet

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    Race card again?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYankee View Post
    Race card again?
    Can you respond, intelligently? Did you even read the article? Well, Poet, that was a dumb know he didn't, and therefore wouldn't have a appropriate or seasoned response.

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    Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
    Can you respond, intelligently? Did you even read the article? Well, Poet, that was a dumb know he didn't, and therefore wouldn't have a appropriate or seasoned response.
    Seriously dude. The race card is meant to squelch all debate. Consider that goal met.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYankee View Post
    Seriously dude. The race card is meant to squelch all debate. Consider that goal met.
    There is no race card being played by me. The race card is conveniently being played by Herman Cain and the Republicans are egging him on. We're suppose to pretend that your acceptance of him means you couldn't possibly be racists, as you demean and trash everyone from the liberal black community, to Muslims, to undocumented aliens, to President Obama and his family. Your hypocrisy knows no height nor depth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
    There is no race card being played by me. The race card is conveniently being played by Herman Cain and the Republicans are egging him on. We're suppose to pretend that your acceptance of him means you couldn't possibly be racists, as you demean and trash everyone from the liberal black community, to Muslims, to undocumented aliens, to President Obama and his family. Your hypocrisy knows no height nor depth.
    The race card here is your insistence that we "accept" Cain because he is black. We TEA Party Conservatives like Cain because he is a true TEA Party Conservative.

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    Guns Guns Guns Guest


    It has been interesting, if also predictable, to watch conservatives reacting to the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations discover the horrors of anti-black racism.

    After all, they’ve spent the past three years claiming that the real victims of racism in the United States are white.

    “Have we ever had a president who was such a partisan hack, such a race-baiter?” Rush Limbaugh asked last year.

    Meanwhile, he’s been utterly dismissive of the notion that the Tea Party has shown racism against African-Americans, saying, “The charge of racism is losing its heft…it’s been overdone and overblown.”

    Writing of allegations of racism on college campuses in her 2009 book Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America, Ann Coulter charged, “Rather than ‘institutional racism,’ what we’re witnessing is ‘institutional racial hoaxism’ committed by liberals.”

    Calling the GOP’s infamous Willie Horton ads “powerful,” Erick Erickson has urged Republican strategists to create a new generation of similar spots about the farcical New Black Panther party, writing, “The Democrats are giving a pass to radicals who advocate killing white kids in the name of racial justice and who try to block voters from the polls.”

    Then, this week, everything changed.

    Suddenly, the right sees the “institutional racism” that Coulter disparaged everywhere.

    “Look at how quickly what is known as the mainstream media goes for the ugliest racial stereotypes they can to attack a black conservative,” Limbaugh said on Monday.

    “I Declare Politico’s Attack On Herman Cain Racist,” blared a headline on

    On Fox and Friends Tuesday morning, guest host Peter Johnson Jr. alluded to Clarence Thomas, saying, “Maybe this is a high-tech lynching that Politico engaged in.”

    Just imagine, after all, how much decorousness we could expect from Fox if such a scandal were discovered in Obama’s past.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYankee View Post
    The race card here is your insistence that we "accept" Cain because he is black. We TEA Party Conservatives like Cain because he is a true TEA Party Conservative.
    You're still confused about the race card, its' meaning, and how it is applied. For all that supposed education and degrees, you're pretty stupid and ignorant. My insistence that you accept Cain? Because he's black? I don't care who you accept, or why. I could care less. The fact remains that racial politics, racism and the politics of "white supremacy" are being used by Cain, at the behest of the racist Republican and Tea Parties, to further the stereotypes about black people, and to keep them impotent and "in their place". Herman Cain is a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who is an embarrassment and betrayer of the black community, as the article points out. Like Ann Coulter said, he's "your (kind of) negro, and we, personally, don't want to have anything to do with him. I'll tell you what, distraction that he is, he'll never make it to the White House, as president, or VP.

    What's ironic is that the racist right is defending Herman Cain against accusations of racism from the left, but was all to happy to level racism, bigotry, innuendo, lies and sissy chatter at Barack Obama, Muslims, the black community (for supporting Obama) and undocumented aliens. Can you not only see the hypocrisy but "feel" it?

  9. #9 | Top
    Guns Guns Guns Guest


    It’s not really surprising that the right, usually so dismissive of prejudice against African-Americans, has been so quick to cry racism.

    The modern conservative movement emerged in large part in opposition to the civil rights revolution, which caused Dixiecrats to flee to the GOP en masse.

    Even the Christian right began with racial grievance; as the evangelical Columbia professor Randall Balmer showed in his 2006 book, Thy Kingdom Come, the religious right was born out of the backlash against the IRS’s 1975 decision to revoke Bob Jones University’s tax-exempt status because of its prohibition on interracial dating.

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    The truth, though sometimes not pretty, is undeniably, still the truth. The right is unfamiliar with it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
    You're still confused about the race card, its' meaning, and how it is applied. For all that supposed education and degrees, you're pretty stupid and ignorant. My insistence that you accept Cain? Because he's black? I don't care who you accept, or why. I could care less. The fact remains that racial politics, racism and the politics of "white supremacy" are being used by Cain, at the behest of the racist Republican and Tea Parties, to further the stereotypes about black people, and to keep them impotent and "in their place". Herman Cain is a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who is an embarrassment and betrayer of the black community, as the article points out. Like Ann Coulter said, he's "your (kind of) negro, and we, personally, don't want to have anything to do with him. I'll tell you what, distraction that he is, he'll never make it to the White House, as president, or VP.

    What's ironic is that the racist right is defending Herman Cain against accusations of racism from the left, but was all to happy to level racism, bigotry, innuendo, lies and sissy chatter at Barack Obama, Muslims, the black community (for supporting Obama) and undocumented aliens. Can you not only see the hypocrisy but "feel" it?
    You claim the republican party and the tea party are racist. Everything after that is based on that assumption made by you. You then erect a straw man built on that assumption. A total straw man argument. Race and slander is all you have. Weak and pitiful, as usual

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alias View Post
    You claim the republican party and the tea party are racist. Everything after that is based on that assumption made by you. You then erect a straw man built on that assumption. A total straw man argument. Race and slander is all you have. Weak and pitiful, as usual
    I believe that is called a "house of cards", or something like that. A Straw man is what Solitary/ Winterborn does; changing the oppositions argument to something easily torn down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYankee View Post
    I believe that is called a "house of cards", or something like that. A Straw man is what Solitary/ Winterborn does; changing the oppositions argument to something easily torn down.
    You are correct about Winterborn. He is one of 'yours', however, isn't he?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alias View Post
    You claim the republican party and the tea party are racist. Everything after that is based on that assumption made by you. You then erect a straw man built on that assumption. A total straw man argument. Race and slander is all you have. Weak and pitiful, as usual
    And the great thing is you can't do nothing about it, but take it. Or put me on ignore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by poet View Post
    You're still confused about the race card, its' meaning, and how it is applied. For all that supposed education and degrees, you're pretty stupid and ignorant. My insistence that you accept Cain? Because he's black? I don't care who you accept, or why. I could care less. The fact remains that racial politics, racism and the politics of "white supremacy" are being used by Cain, at the behest of the racist Republican and Tea Parties, to further the stereotypes about black people, and to keep them impotent and "in their place". Herman Cain is a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who is an embarrassment and betrayer of the black community, as the article points out. Like Ann Coulter said, he's "your (kind of) negro, and we, personally, don't want to have anything to do with him. I'll tell you what, distraction that he is, he'll never make it to the White House, as president, or VP.

    What's ironic is that the racist right is defending Herman Cain against accusations of racism from the left, but was all to happy to level racism, bigotry, innuendo, lies and sissy chatter at Barack Obama, Muslims, the black community (for supporting Obama) and undocumented aliens. Can you not only see the hypocrisy but "feel" it?
    As Alias points out, your argument is built on top of a false premise. Since you first played the race card with me I've rejected that premise and asked you to prove it true. Its been two months now and you haven't been able to do that. With all your supposed intelligence what makes you think your premise is acceptable to me now?

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