Most likely our anti-White society. Where no pro-White thing can be said. Especially at most forums. And look at TV commercials. Hardly ever do they show a White woman without showing a black guy somewhere. And vice versa. Even though blacks only make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. As for myself, about 98% of the time that I see a black guy out in public with a female, it is a white female. What is a proud White person to do with the cards stacked against them like that? Sometimes, a HERO steps forward and takes up the fight. Even if it is a fight that he can't win. I will show you some videos of what can be said and done. Speaking against Whites. They are only about a minute long. So look at them. It might help reveal some more of the motivation for what Payton Gendron did.

This first video is self explanatory.

This next video shows what I think are some black panthers.

This next video I had seen elsewhere. So I know that it shows a black guy beating a White guy in the head with a shovel. So, what does an assault with a deaqdly weapon get you? Well if you're black, just 10 days in jail. I had to record this video of a show called World's Dumbest. So you will have to overlook the comedic commentary.

This next video shows some cops investigating a shooting in a black neighborhood. The cops get attacked by blacks. Though there are a few other blacks who try to protect them. In the background you will also see a White TV reporter talking to some people. Some black walks up and punches her in the face. Knocking her to the ground.

This last video shows some religious zealots. The last are of a group that I think call themselves the black hebrew israelites. And they sure don't like White people.