The craziest of all conspiracy theories is the one that SYSTEMIC RACISM is the cause of black failure!!! In a country flooded with special treatment affirmative action for blacks!!! But youtube says that CT is ok. craieonspiracy-theories/

oct 15 2020 YouTube has scrubbed many popular “QAnon” and independent news channels from its platform after announcing new rules that prohibit what it deems to be “harmful conspiracy theories.”

YouTube claims that it’s introducing this new policy to remove conspiracy content that’s “used to justify real-world-violence” – a claim that’s similar to those used by several other tech giants when justifying their arbitrary QAnon bans. For example, Facebook framed its QAnon ban as a crackdown on “potential violence.”

Under YouTube’s new policy, content that “targets an individual or group with conspiracy theories that have been used to justify real-world violence” are banned. Of course, YouTube doesn’t explain how it determines when a conspiracy theory is being used to justify real-world violence.

YouTube also specifically states that QAnon or Pizzagate content that suggests someone is complicit in “harmful conspiracies” is now prohibited. Presumably, this means that anything that YouTube deems to be a harmful conspiracy theory about companies, organizations, or public figures is now against the rules.

Additionally, YouTube writes that many channels that “deny the existence of major violent events” have already been deleted