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    Can you imagine what it has been like inside Derek Chauvin's head over the past week?

    His wife divorces him.

    He is reviled across America as a racist murderer.

    He hears that he is responsible for triggering a series of massive demonstrations across the US that erupted in violent rioting/looting/vandalism/arson/deaths and clashes that caused serious injuries to many people.

    I know that he was put on suicide watch at one point and I'm not surprised.

    I think I know how Derek Chauvin must feel; John Keats, put it down many years ago...

    My heart aches, and drowsy numbness pains
    My sense as though of Hemlock I had drunk

    All of this made me really angry because I have no doubt that Derek Chauvin is a decent man. He is a public servant doing one of the more dangerous and thankless kinds of public service jobs - being a police officer. But it is also one of the most important jobs; without our police we would have nothing. But I don't think Derek would be paid a great deal of money each month for what he does. I very much doubt he would have 246 million dollars in the bank like the treasonous Black, Barak Obama (that great Democrat champion of America's working class and poor), or however many hundreds of millions of dollars it is that the immoral, career criminal Hillary Clinton has tucked away in some off-shore tax-haven. Anyone in America who is of at least average intelligence, and keeps an eye on Federal politics already knows that Obama and Clinton are political criminals who ought be jailed. They also know that this will never happen, because in America the rule of law does not apply to criminal "elites" in the political establishment, like Obama and Clinton. It does apply, however, to "the people", to oi polloi and they are dealt justice very swiftly for any transgressions of the law. Derek Chauvin was charged with the murder of Gorge Floyd, held in custody and is currently awaiting trial for a crime (murder) that he clearly did not commit This injustice must be corrected immediately and Chauvin compensated by the state for the suffering he has endured.


    The Arrest of George Floyd

    (1) One the evening of Monday, May 25, 2020. Floyd bought a packet of cigarettes from a store "Cup Foods") in the Powderhorn Park Neighbourhood of Minneapolis using a counterfeit $20 bill.

    (2) At about 8:00 pm two employees from the shop left their store and crossed the street to where an SUV was parked in front of a restaurant. Floyd was in the driver's seat of the SUV and there were two other adult passengers in the vehicle.

    (3) The shop employees demanded that Floyd return the cigarettes but he refused.

    (4) At 8:01 pm, a store employee called 9-1-1 to report that Floyd had passed "fake bills", was"awefully drunk" and "not in control of himself."

    (5) At 8:08 pm police officers Kueny and Lane briefly entered the shop ("Cup Foods"), then crossed the street to Floyd's SUV. Officer Lane drew his gun and ordered Floyd to put his hands on the steering wheel. Floyd complied and Lane holstered his weapon.

    (6) Following a brief struggle, Lane pulled Floyd from the SUV. Floyd briefly resisted while Lane handcuffed him.

    (7) At 8:12 pm officer Kuang sat Floyd on the sidewalk against the wall of the restaurant. At 8:13 pm, an officer brought Floyd to his feet and walked him across the street to the sidewalk in front of "Cup Foods."

    (8) FLOYD FELL TO THE GROUND next to a police car parked at the curb, officers picked him up and placed him against the car's door. According to the prosecutor, FLOYD TOLD THE OFFICERS HE WAS CLAUSTROPHOBIC ANDCOULD NOT BREATHE

    I will end my account of the chronology of events that led to George Floyd's death here, because I do not believe I need to go any further. You are probably thinking, "But he hasn't even got to the part where Derek Chauvin enters the scene and asphyxiates Floyd by pressing his knee onto Floyd's neck for eight minutes !" Yes, that's right, so you will have to bear with me while I tell you what ACTUALLY caused Floyd's death.

    The first thing I want emphasise is that Floyd was HEAVILY intoxicated drug-intoxicated from the beginning of the series of events that first brought him into contact with the police on the evening of May 25, 2002. That is, he was already heavily drug-affected when he bought the packet of cigarettes from the "Cup Foods" store. I've already explained how the employee described Floyd as "awfully drunk" and "out of control". But it wasn't alcohol that had put Floyd in the condition he was in, it was a the fact that he had recently ingested two strong and very dangerous street - drugs.In the most recent and most comprehensive county Medical Examiner's autopsy findings, he confirms that Floyd had taken the drug Fentanyl - a EXTREMELY potent opioid narcotic -, and also the drug methlyamphetamine (Street names: Ice, Crank, Speed, Whizz), which is the most potent form of amphetamine-type psychostimulant drugs. The autopsy report also provided evidence that Floyd had recently used cannabis.


    The Medical Examiner discovered that Floyd was infected with COVID-19 but BUT THIS IS IRRELEVANT WITH RESPECT TO
    so forget about it. It's not a factor in this case.

    The Methylamphetamine and Fentanyl that Floyd had in his system are both POTENTLY addictive drugs, so there is a good chance that Floyd was addicted. The Medical Examiner's report does not say how Floyd took these drugs. They can taken orally or smoked/inhaled,injected, snorted and it doesn't really matter because whatever means you use to take Fentanyl if you take too much - if you manage to get too much of this drug into your bloodstream it WILL kill you.

    Floyd would have bought his Fentanyl from a street dealer, and dealers often "cut" their Fentanyl with methylamphetamine. This could explain how both of these drugs were detected in his blood by the Medical Examiner.

    Street Fentanyl has two main sources (1) It comes into the US through Mexican drug cartels who smuggle it across the southern border (2) It is manufactured in clandestine laboratories (like the drugs were in the TV series "Breaking Bad") as it is relatively easy to synthesise.


    Fentanyl is 80-200 times stronger than morphine. Its only legitimate medical use is as an analgesic to relieve severe pain in patients with cancer who no longer obtain relief from treatment with Morphine or Heroin

    Fentanyl is abused for its euphoric side effects, it provides the same kind of euphoria as narcotics like Oxycodone, Morphine and Heroin, only more intense.


    There is a serious problem with the abuse of opioids in the US at present, some health workers rate it an "epidemic." Over recent years Fentanyl has caused many thousands of deaths. These Fentanyl deaths are usually the result of accidental overdose. Because it is so EXTREMELY potent, taking just a tiny amount too much of this drug can be fatal. If you are buying Fentanyl from a street dealer - like Floyd would have done - then you have no way of knowing just how much Fentanyl is in the dosage unit that you bought, nor do you know if what you have bought has been "cut" with other drugs like an amphetamine or Xanax. Street dealers, remember, are criminals, not registered pharmacists. They do not observe any Code of Ethics nor do they have any training in pharmacology, and finally, they do not give a flying fuck if you die from what they have sold you (provided they are not caught for selling it).


    When you take a dose of Fentanyl, one effect it has is on a part of your brain called the medulla oblongata. In this section of the brain is where the Respiratory Centre" is located. The "Respiratory Centre" is responsible for keeping your rate of breathing at an optimal level for the environment you are in. So, if you are a healthy person with no asthma or lung disease. etc are r you probably are not experiencing any difficulties in breathing right now. The fact that your breathing is kept regular and effortless and you are taking in enough air (oxygen) to comfortably meet your bodies needs is due to the fact that the "respiratory centre" in your brain is doing its job properly. However, when there is Fentanyl in your blood, and the blood reaching your brain's "respiratory centre" pumps Fentanyl into it, what happens is that this impairs the normal functioning of "the respiratory centre" and this, in turn, results in respiratory depression or DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING Fentanyl also has the effect of reducing blood pressure and heart - rate. Doctors call a clinically slow heart rate bradycardia. Bradycardia can also produce shortness of breath and cause an irregular heart beat. This irregular beat (palpitations) can cause death through cardiac arrest.

    If you take too much Fentanyl (an overdose) then it causes you to experience more severe difficulty breathing as well as more severe bradycardia (slowing of the heart beat), plus a sharp lowering of blood pressure, and this will increase your risk for heart palpitations that may result in death by cardiac arrest.

    There is clear evidence that George Floyd had very likely taken an overdose of Fentanyl, because one of the common side effects of Fentanyl is SEDATION. If you have recently taken too much Fentanyl then you will become over-sedated and exhibit elevated signs of torpor and stupefaction, like people do when they become very drunk on alcohol. Remember the staff in the "Cup Foods" store said Floyd looked "AWFULLY DRUNK" and "OUT OF CONTROL" at 8:01 pm on the evening of his death. The autopsy analysis found that Floyd had not been drinking alcohol on the day that he died, and Methylamphetamine is a stimulant drug that heightens awareness, alertness and vigilance, so I would attribute Floyd's awfully "inebriated" state to the fact that he had quite recently ingested a large dose of Fentanyl.

    Another symptom of Fentanyl overdose is dizziness and fainting/collapsing. Note, how just after 8:12 when the two police officers walked Floyd across the road to the sidewalk outside the "Cup Goods" shop HE COLLAPSED and the two policemen had to pull him up and rest him against the door of their police car. According to the prosecutor, Floyd then told the them that he was claustrophobic
    . Given the cocktail of drugs he had ingested Fentanyl + Cannabis + Methylamphetamine + Morphine, all of which are consciousness - altering substances, Floyd could have been experiencing the mental sensation/feeling of claustrophobia in consequence of his difficulty breathing. Claustrophobia is an intense fear of being in tight, restrictive place. Given his ability to breathe was, I believe, being sharply restricted, that is, he was unable to inhale and exhale freely, he would have been aware of what asthmatics call a sensation of "tightness" (of generalised constriction) in his chest. The drugs in his system (especially the Methylamphetamine which can cause acute anxiety) probably contributed to heighten the perception of "claustrophobia" Floyd complained of.



    That means that it was NOT because Derek Chauvin restrained Floyd with his knee against his neck for a little over 8 minutes that Floyd died. CHAUVIN DID NOT ASPHYXIATE FLOYD I think the method of restraint that Chauvin used was something he had been taught during his training as a police officer or after. Evidently it was a practice authorised by his police department. I know it is a method of restraint that is used by law enforcement organizations in some foreign countries where certain dangerous circumstances justify it, but I do not think it is appropriate/necessary for street policing in the United States. Having said that, Derek Chauvin may well have been told - as I say - by his superiors that he was permitted to this method of restraint. Remember, as well, that Derek Chauvin was a man of modest height and build, whose job it was, at the time, to restrain a man (Floyd) who was 6 foot 6 inches tall, with a robust and very muscular build, festooned with lurid antisocial tattoos, who he knew was drug-intoxicated and therefore likely to be unpredictable and potentially very violent(Chauvin, BTW, could not have known this, but Floyd also had a long history of violent criminality including : an armed robbery during which he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and for which he was given 5 years in jail, other convictions include drug traffiking/possession; theft; aggravated assault and so on. The socialist mainstream media in America refuse to broadcast any of the facts respecting Floyd's violent criminal history - SURPRISE, SURPRISE !).

    The County Medical Examiner determined that the cause of Floyd's death was CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST

    I believe the cardiopulmonary arrest that ended Floyd's life was predominantly/mainly caused by an OVERDOSE OF FENTANYL that Floyd had taken earlier that evening. I have already pointed out that he was experiencing difficulty breathing (respiratory depression), that his state of consciousness was conspicuously stupefied, torpid and befuddled according to the "Cup Goods" employees who told the police that Floyd looked AWFULLY DRUNK and OUT OF CONTROL and that he had fainted and collapsed and complained of shortness of breath and"claustrophobia, long before he was being restrained by Derek Chauvin later that evening. All of these symptoms are consistent with the effects a large dose of Fentanyl would produce shortly after it had been taken.

    . When Floyd was being restrained by Chauvin and repeatedly crying outI CAN'T BREATHE - I CAN'T BREATHE this shortness of breath he was experiencing MUST have been due to an overdose of Fentanyl he had taken depressing his "respiratory centre", BECAUSE the Medical Examiner has determined that Floyd did NOT die of asphyxiation. That is, the pressure that Chauvin was applying to Floyd's neck was NOT choking him. Maybe Floyd THOUGHT that this was why he couldn't breathe, because he had unwittingly purchased a dose of Fentanyl from a dealer earlier that evening that was toxic.

    Finally, as mentioned above, Fentanyl: depresses the respiratory centre in the brain (causes difficulty breathing); slows the heart- rate and lowers blood pressure, and the effect is dose-dependent. In the case of an overdose this would lead to extreme difficulty breathing and heart palpitations resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest (heart stops beating) which was precisely the cause of Floyd's death.

    If you throw in the fact that he also had Methylamphetamine in his system at the time Chauvin was restraining him - which is also a drug that is absolutely cardiotoxic in high doses. AND the fact he had pre-existing heart disease (e,g, severe atherosclerosis), then the argument that his death was predominantly caused by the drugs he had taken that afternoon/evening starts to become very compelling.

    Perhaps the experience of being arrested by the police and then restrained by Derek Chauvin played some minor role in Floyd's death, but I also think it is very possible that Floyd would have died from drug overdose that same night even if he had not come into contact with the police at all.

    The Medical Examiner's autopsy report does not explicitly link the fact that Floyd had Fentanyl and Methylamphetamine in his blood at the time he died of cardiopulmonary arrest. There is no mention of the possibility that Fentanyl (and Methylamphetamine) may have have caused Floyd's cardiopulmonary arrest. I find that very curious. Given Fentanyl kills thousands of Americans every year in precisely that way ? Also, the statement that Floyd's death was caused by cardiopulmonary arrest COMPLICATED by the fact he was was being resrtained by police, etc; is difficult to decipher. What exactly does "COMPLICATED" mean here ?" Complicated" how ? "Complicated" by what ?

    Last edited by Dachshynddawg; 06-05-2020 at 10:11 AM.

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    I believe that the US media has a heavy responsibility for much of the bullshit we heard since that day, along with the Democrats of course.

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    Anytime a Trumpkin posts a long narrative without including the source you automatically know it is bullshit

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    cancel2 2022 (07-11-2020)

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    Guno צְבִי (07-11-2020)

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    Quote Originally Posted by archives View Post
    Anytime a Trumpkin posts a long narrative without including the source you automatically know it is bullshit
    You're a cretin Arsecheese!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grajonca View Post
    You're a cretin Arsecheese!!
    just an ignorant farang

    “If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”

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    Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel.

    “If Hamas put down their weapons, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons, there would be no Israel."

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    Rightys have a blind spot. They absolutely believe what defends their position no matter how extreme and ridiculous. Floyd was killed by being suffocated for almost 9 minutes. That is such a simple and obvious fact. Yet this is about the 6th other cause rightys have touted. This is easy. If the cops left him alone, for did not beat him, he would be alive right now.

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    cancel2 2022 (07-11-2020)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
    Rightys have a blind spot. They absolutely believe what defends their position no matter how extreme and ridiculous. Floyd was killed by being suffocated for almost 9 minutes. That is such a simple and obvious fact. Yet this is about the 6th other cause rightys have touted. This is easy. If the cops left him alone, for did not beat him, he would be alive right now.
    You have absolutely no way of knowing that, but that's never stopped you before.

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    I would note one thing that stands out. The store clerk(s) confronted Floyd about the counterfeit bill, then called 911. Floyd did nothing but sit in his vehicle before that happened and afterwards. Would a rational person in control of their faculties remain on the scene of a felony knowing that the police were on their way to arrest them?

    None of that excuses Chaven's actions, but it would explain that Floyd cause much of his own demise through being higher than a kite at the time.

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