Quote Originally Posted by signalmankenneth View Post
Proof of Kavanaugh's perjury is welcome, but conservatives basically don't think sexual assault is a big deal

Republicans know Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath. They just don't care.

The debate over whether the most recent Supreme Court justice perjured himself during his Senate hearing last year — which would be an impeachable offense — fired up again over the weekend, after New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly published new evidence confirming stories that Kavanaugh whipped out his penis on not just one, but perhaps two non-consenting women as a student at Yale in the 1980s.

The article was promoting Pogrebin and Kelly's new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation," which showcases a year's worth of in-depth research into Kavanaugh's past. They interviewed many witnesses the FBI overlooked during its own investigation of Kavanaugh's background.


Good morning. The Supreme Court of the United States of America is currently 30% female, 70% male, and 22% sexual predator. - OhNoSheTwint
They don't care trump has lied 11,000 +/- times, why would they care about a couple good O' bouy "fibs"..........??