Drug Policy

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  1. Minister of Truth
    Minister of Truth
    I agree, about the not personally using it part. But tax it, regardless of what else is being taxed!!
  2. Damocles
    Definitely, it should be taxed but at no higher level than alcohol or any other drug sold legally to adults. You don't want to tax it right back into a gray or black market.
  3. Doc Dutch
    Doc Dutch
    Agreed. In fact, any "sin taxes" should be used to cover the cost of regulation (including enforcement) and rehab for those seeking help.

    Alcohol is restricted from being used in certain places and at certain times. Drugs should be as legal and regulated in the same way. It is not the place for the Federal government to dictate to its citizens how to live, what to believe or what they do as long as they aren't hurting others.

    In fact, a heroin addict, in the privacy of their own home or an authorized heroin facility is hurting no one but themselves....in fact, if they use too much, they'll be doing society a favor.
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