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State of Mankind

State of Mankind

  1. Defending Taiwan: Think Globally and ‘Look Up’

    Defending Taiwan: Think Globally and ‘Look Up’

    Grant Newsham

    December 9, 2021; Updated December 13, 2021

    Epoch Times Commentary Audio PDF

    U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said last week that Chinese air force movements toward Taiwan look like “rehearsals” for an invasion. It is good that America’s military leadership is finally realizing that Xi Jinping is serious when he says he will use force, if necessary, to seize Taiwan. ...
  2. How CCP’s Bad Business is Costing Americans; Behind Student Protests on 2021 Tiananme

    How CCP’s Bad Business is Costing Americans; Behind Student Protests on 2021 Tiananmen Anniversary

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is quietly altering its glowing projections of China’s economy into 2022 and beyond to a more realistic appraisal. Beijing authorities recently held a closed-door meeting of the Central Economic Work Conference, during which Xi Jinping revealed that China's economy is in dire straits. What he neglected to mention ...
  3. US sanctioning China for biotechnology; Purdue president on Chinese student harassmen

    US sanctioning China for biotechnology; Purdue president on Chinese student harassment

    U.S. lawmakers are asking NBC to do its part when broadcasting the Beijing Olympics and avoid spreading Chinese propaganda. The station has also been urged to include the communist regime’s human rights abuses. The president of Purdue University is asking those who suppress freedom on campus to “continue their education elsewhere” after a student was allegedly ...