California Indians demand THEIR HISTORY be taught in public schools

The fact of WW2 American troops relying upon Native Americans for linguistic codes is well-known. Everything possible should be done to maintain, nurture and revive these languages.

Your feeble attempt to change the subject is noted. Of course the injuns had SPOKEN languages; but they did not have written ones and that's why injun history will always be an unknown. THINK
Your feeble attempt to change the subject is noted. Of course the injuns had SPOKEN languages; but they did not have written ones and that's why injun history will always be an unknown. THINK

Change the subject ? Are you really wanting to focus on the absence of written indigenous North American language - prior to the European invasion- as a topic ? It's an extremely rich lingual culture. You want to discuss something that isn't there ?
Do you have anything else that isn't there that you want to focus on ?
Unfortunately no north american indian tribe had a written language till the white man showed them how, so there is no way to know what the injuns were doing prior to that. Anything about injun history will of necessity just be made up and you can sure it will be liberal propaganda blaming all the indian woes on whites.

Why do you celebrate murdering people by texting while driving?

Why do you hate white people?
Why do you hate america and white people so much.?? You are both a traitor and a racist.

How do you come to conclude that I'm a racist because our ancestors were brutal ethnic cleansers ? Your response should be intriguing.
Also , how can I be a ' traitor ' for supporting indigenous North Americans ? That should be intriguing too. Are you still a European ?

If you want to know what was going on before the European invasion then just ask the indigenous people. It's in their oral history- same as in Australia and elsewhere.
Incidentally- how come you don't consider pictorial art to be a visual language ?

I guess it's troll time about now. Stand by.

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Unfortunately no north american indian tribe had a written language till the white man showed them how, so there is no way to know what the injuns were doing prior to that. Anything about injun history will of necessity just be made up and you can sure it will be liberal propaganda blaming all the indian woes on whites.

Like the jews make us confront the holocaust, same thing, of course you're "offended".
Nothing happened on the planet until euros figured out the world was not flat, that there was something else across the water, and then capitalism and religion informed them to go out and slaughter for possession of everything.

Europeans didn't TAKE possessions. They invented them. Something you backward non-whites cannot do. That average african IQ of 68 is a killer.
Europeans didn't TAKE possessions. They invented them. Something you backward non-whites cannot do. That average african IQ of 68 is a killer.

You say- with some measure of contempt- that the indigenous Americans got their alphabetic tools from the invading Europeans- but you appear not to know that the Europeans got theirs from the Phoenicians and their numeracy from the Arabs. Does that shrink you a tad ?
Rightwing posters who have never set foot in a college class, and barely were capable of graduating high school are never, ever, under any circumstances allowed to give an opinion on the feasibility or value of an academic subject

There you go again thinking Liberals are the only ones that ever went to college.
Europeans didn't TAKE possessions. They invented them. Something you backward non-whites cannot do. That average african IQ of 68 is a killer.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha, you have no idea what my genetic makeup is and the reality is that euros were still dumping chamber pots on passers by below in filth infested disease ridden cities long after other advance societies had developed sewage systems and city irrigation systems. Euros being ignorant of the world around them doesn't mean it didn't exist for others. Much like you ignore 21st century healthcare advances made by others these days. You come from a long line - mindset wise - of self-absorbed self-worshipping dolts who always choose barbarism, hoarding, power and domination over human progress and humanity.
HAHAHA. Get serious. Those accounts get embellished with every telling. We need BOOKS written 500 or a 1000. or 2000 years ago. We have it with whites but not injuns. The savages never invented a written language just like they never invented the wheel. No wonder they lost.

Most Indians died from the diseases we brought along. You are such a small person and hater.