Obama's White Half expresses his Racist Feminist hatred for Black African males

Or a career women who won't take care of "a worthless bum".

When a man gets a job, a family is formed, when a women gets a job, nobody is ever good enough and they delusionally think they can trade up ad infinitum, until a cat lady is formed.

Someone hurt you hon?
Didn't Obama also tell a Kenyan audience that he's "from Kenya", Bigdog?

"Three years ago I visited Kenya as the first sitting American president to come from Kenya." B. Hussein Obama[/CENTER]

He has always worshiped the Kenyan that abandoned him at birth, while deprecating the White family that loved him and raised him in beautiful Hawaii. :palm:
Oh please, he called his white granny a typical racist, ... and was disgusted by his mother's racial lust for black men like Sidney Poitier.

Look, I'm sorry you suffered the indignation of having and half black guy in the white house for 8 years. He's not there any longer and you have a white supremacist now. Relax.