Republicans Keep Economy Moving

ridiculous......why do you need seasonal workers on a dairy farm.......lettuce has a three week picking season so migrant workers makes sense, cows need to be milked twice a day 365 days a year......and why do you need HB2 workers in a seafood cannery?.....

We could let blue collar Americans unionize those jobs and jack up food prices in the process. No thanks.
That would be the Congress Critters, dopey.
The GOP ones who failed to pass 64 job bills

That would have not been beneficial to the corporate for profit prison system or the corporate convict labor leasing industry. They have their own think tanks and lobbyists you know.
you didn't know Obama had the slowest recovery from a recession, ever?.......

Recession? Near depression. Who made that mess and what party was he in? Think about it. When was last time a recession caused banks to close, foreclosures to soar and interest rates plummet to zero? How many lost their life savings and wound up homeless. You really can't keep up, can you?