Kamala Harris increases her visibility in front of possible presidential bid

The Bernie Bros are going to be even more animated for 2020, knowing that their dear leader will have one foot deeper in the grave, and being super-pissed about the last primary being rigged against them.
The Bernie Bros are going to be even more animated for 2020, knowing that their dear leader will have one foot deeper in the grave, and being super-pissed about the last primary being rigged against them.

They the only folks who resent corruption?
It means not killing babies.

... while being a nation that has been at war for 93% of the time it has been a nation, while being a nation that supports 3/4's of the world's military dictatorships, while being a nation with 8 ongoing wars dropping bombs every 12 minutes somewhere in the world and reaching to ramp up more war as we type, while being a nation arming and participating in genocide in both Yemen with the Wahabist Islamist Saudis and in Gaza with the rabid zionist Israelis, while being a nation that has supported at various times Saddam, Osama, al Qaida, al Nusra, ISIS and the Wahabist Islamist Saudis (with internationally illegal cluster bombs known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field for one example of many), while being a nation that condones its corporate state police murders of unarmed non-combative citizens, while being a nation akin to North Korea that chooses to fund empire over it's own society.

So yeah, the notion of "prolife" has nothing to do with life at all, or being in favor of it; agreed.
... while being a nation that has been at war for 93% of the time it has been a nation, while being a nation that supports 3/4's of the world's military dictatorships, while being a nation with 8 ongoing wars dropping bombs every 12 minutes somewhere in the world and reaching to ramp up more war as we type, while being a nation arming and participating in genocide in both Yemen with the Wahabist Islamist Saudis and in Gaza with the rabid zionist Israelis, while being a nation that has supported at various times Saddam, Osama, al Qaida, al Nusra, ISIS and the Wahabist Islamist Saudis (with internationally illegal cluster bombs known to have a 90% collateral casualty rate in the field for one example of many), while being a nation that condones its corporate state police murders of unarmed non-combative citizens, while being a nation akin to North Korea that chooses to fund empire over it's own society.

So yeah, the notion of "prolife" has nothing to do with life at all, or being in favor of it; agreed.

Who have we fought, that you don't believe warranted fighting? Should we not stand-up to fascists, Nazis, Marxists, and Islamists?
People keep saying it's going to be Bernie or Biden, or even Hillary again.

The Dems have some pretty solid up & comers. She'd be a strong candidate, imo (just based on what I've seen of her).

Looks like she is another identity politics, virtual signalling emoter, so you're bound to love her.
For those who are into the 2020 horserace...

Kamala Harris increases her visibility in front of possible presidential bid

America will be seeing a lot more from California Sen. Kamala Harris in the coming months, as she revs up for a possible 2020 presidential run.

It’s unlikely she’ll decide on a run until after the November midterm elections, but team Harris is making the moves, just in case.

And while Harris isn’t up there with former Vice President Joe Biden or Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, being an unknown might actually work in her favor.

A July 17 Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 73 percent of likely Democratic voters believe the party should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2020.

Any serious run, however, means that Harris will need to elevate her national profile. Harris, who early on seized on the power of social media, already is spending more on Facebook ads than any other senator.

A study by researchers at New York University found that Harris spent more than $134,000 on Facebook ads from May to early July. Those ads were viewed more than 12 million times, with most of the views coming from outside of California.

Harris has a new opportunity to make a big public splash at the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nomine Brett Kavanaugh. Viewers are likely to see a repeat performance of the hard grilling Harris gave Attorney General Jeff Sessions when he appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee last year as part of the Russian meddling investigation.

A study by researchers at New York University found that Harris spent more than $134,000 on Facebook ads from May to early July. Those ads were viewed more than 12 million times, with most of the views coming from outside of California.

Harris has a new opportunity to make a big public splash at the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nomine Brett Kavanaugh. Viewers are likely to see a repeat performance of the hard grilling Harris gave Attorney General Jeff Sessions when he appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee last year as part of the Russian meddling investigation.

Then there’s the midterm election. Harris is using her extensive small donor list to raise $5 million for progressive organizations such as MoveOn.org and fellow Senate Democrats such as Alabama’s Doug Jones and Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin.

Harris will also hit the campaign trail for her Senate colleagues, taking her into important primary states.

Being a sitting senator from California — often called the ATM of the Democratic Party — also works in her favor, either as a candidate or as a power player if she decides not to run.

“Look at where Democrats get their money — it’s San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles — and she has ties to the money in all three of those cities,” said one Harris confidant.

If Harris does go for the gold, the January publication of her new political memoir, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” could double up for a campaign as well.

It’s doubtful that Harris’ policy-driven tome on such issues as same-sex marriage and the financial crisis will match the pop phenom success of former President Barack Obama’s “Dreams of My Father.” It will, nonetheless, afford Harris the opportunity for a national book tour with appearances on network TV shows that have a broader reach than the cable news outlets where the senator is now most often seen.

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She is currently my favorite, she reminds me a lot of Barack Obama both in the way she speaks and her ideology.

I think America really misses no drama Obama.
LOL Obama won well enough without the rural vote. It's not about winning rural voters, it's about winning the ones in the right places. Obama had the EC advantage because he could drive black turnout, Hillary lost that because most of the places she did better than Obama in were either already on her side regardless (California), or too conservative to swing (Texas - where she actually did a whopping 10 points better than Obama, all for nought). And she did not have the blacks turning out in Philadelphia, Detroit, or Milwaukee to buoy those states like Obama did.

So your saying she lost because of the Black vote?
Running mate to who? If Biden wasn’t so old I’d say He was my first choice.

I don't know. PLus, for whatever reason, the rightards have a bunch of canned nonsense memes on Biden, despite that he is seasoned
and compared to Trump seems like Albert Einstein. But Biden does not get me jazzed up. We need some excitement around a highly qualified charasmatic
politician i.e. someone who is the yin to the trump yang. But short answer, I have no idea. I want Obama back. "Obama, this time it's personal"

She is currently my favorite, she reminds me a lot of Barack Obama both in the way she speaks and her ideology.

I think America really misses no drama Obama.

.... who took us from Bush's 2 wars to 7, also separated families at the border and caged children, gave us a Heritage Foundation health"care" plan, tortured and imprisoned whistleblowers, also bailed out Wall Street banksters, and opened up the arctic to drilling twice for starters.

Oh but it felt different.