Remember When There Was News About Other Things Besides The President?

Hello kudzu,

Well, we all have to wonder if she is only in it for the money.

All she has to do is wait it out.

I don't think President Trump has very healthy habits.

He could be on borrowed time already.

Remember how winded he was while speaking in Saudi Arabia early on in his presidency?

He's old and he's overweight, doesn't exercise, and he eats poorly.

He's a cholesterol sink.

More surf and turf for the pig.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

Obama continued it, war criminals are now back in governmental and punditry positions pushing for yet more wars.

Well at least Obama managed to avoid starting any new wars.

Trump is an ass of a different color. He is a controller, wants to control the media.

If there are too many bad stories about him, I would not put it past him to start a war with Iran as a diversion.
We could move on to other things but Trump tweets nearly every day like a teenager. Since he is in an office he cannot handle, we have to read his tweets every day. News stations have to cover them. So does Fox. Trump knows how to get publicity. He thrives on it.
Hello Nordberg,

We could move on to other things but Trump tweets nearly every day like a teenager. Since he is in an office he cannot handle, we have to read his tweets every day. News stations have to cover them. So does Fox. Trump knows how to get publicity. He thrives on it.

Well stated. Perhaps our next president will be elected by promising NOT to dominate the headlines.

Here's an interesting question.

What is the difference between Trump's tweets and FDR's fireside chats?
Hello Nordberg,

Well stated. Perhaps our next president will be elected by promising NOT to dominate the headlines.

Here's an interesting question.

What is the difference between Trump's tweets and FDR's fireside chats?

We were in a depression and FDR knew that the peop[le were afraid and thought even Communism offered more hope ., We had bread lines and people were starving. They had no hope. FDR used the chats to assure the people that he was going to right the ship if they justr stayed patient. He apparently was pretty good at it. He convinced the people to stay calmer and trust him to fix it.

Trump was handed a strong government and a strong economy. He is making shit up to bitch about in his tweets. He is into misinformation and the separation of Americans into rival groups. He is into divide and conquer so he can acheive even more power. His tweets are immature and and poorly written.

FDR was trying to unite the country into a mission to make it better for all. Trump is ripping it apart to make the plutocracy closer and closer. He brags to billionaires about how much more money he gave them. Our tax dollars going to those who do not need it. You can figure out what the goal is.
Hello Nordberg,

We were in a depression and FDR knew that the peop[le were afraid and thought even Communism offered more hope ., We had bread lines and people were starving. They had no hope. FDR used the chats to assure the people that he was going to right the ship if they justr stayed patient. He apparently was pretty good at it. He convinced the people to stay calmer and trust him to fix it.

Trump was handed a strong government and a strong economy. He is making shit up to bitch about in his tweets. He is into misinformation and the separation of Americans into rival groups. He is into divide and conquer so he can acheive even more power. His tweets are immature and and poorly written.

FDR was trying to unite the country into a mission to make it better for all. Trump is ripping it apart to make the plutocracy closer and closer. He brags to billionaires about how much more money he gave them. Our tax dollars going to those who do not need it. You can figure out what the goal is.

A good description of why FDR chose to be in regular contact with the people.

President Trump has other motivations.
Next rally, when Trump takes shots at the press, they should pack up their cameras and go home. His urging hate and violence at them, is endangering their lives. Just stop allowing him an easy target to focus his hate at.
How many were carryovers? That is not correct. How many countries did Obama not quit bombing would have been more accurate. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and others were being bombed when he came in.

You will have to take that up with CNN. Maybe they will retract it if you explain that they are wrong.
Hello Crazy Cat Lady,

There was a jet crash yesterday but the media wants us to focus on Trump. Why?

Airliner crashes used to be an automatic lead for the news. Big government (part of great America,) mostly solved that by creating another great government agency, the NTSA, thus making America very great. High paid government workers with good benefits spent our tax money and worked hard to make air travel safe. It was a good thing to do.

Working together, we were able to solve a great problem for our country and our people. New regulations were required, and the regulations helped Americans stay alive, to have loving lives and raise babies which did not die in jetliner crashes.

This has forced many transportation corporations to use just some of their fantastic profits to correct dangerous issues which sometimes killed babies. If they did not do this, more innocent babies would die.

But they did, because we, the people, made them do it.

That was back when government listened to we the people, instead of always doing what they, the corporations wanted.

Now that travel is much safer, that's old news.

The public likes shocking news, and President Trump's mouth and twitter feed are always ready to provide more despicably shocking deplorable things to say.

This gathers much attention, which the commercial media uses to sell lots of advertising, convincing people to buy things from big rich corporations which are more powerful than individuals; so they rip people off with lousy quality products that mostly end up in the landfill. President Trump thus fulfills a vital part of wealth extraction and depletion of our limited natural resources. This causes the economic reports to look great so President Trump can claim credit for appearing to do something good, but he's really a very bad man who hurts America and spreads hatred.
The answer is , we can do more than one story at a time. As a matter of fact, lots of them. I read about the plane crash, Trumps stupid speech, Manaforts trial and lots of other things. In the same day, can you imagine that?
Hello Nordberg,

The answer is , we can do more than one story at a time. As a matter of fact, lots of them. I read about the plane crash, Trumps stupid speech, Manaforts trial and lots of other things. In the same day, can you imagine that?

Well, of course the other stories are there. Since the Trump headlines and stories are designed to be sensational, many don't get past them. Trump has the effect of making our populace less informed. That's dangerous because our self-government and the future of America depends on a well informed populace.
Trump used the press and tweets to get the presidency. Now he is using it to proclaim his innocence of all the crimes he and his entourage have committed. The rights apparently have been programmed to believe what the right wing propaganda is, no matter how wrong and crazy it is. Trump knows his strength is communication with twitter and Fox Gnus. So he used them relentlessly. Still does, tweeting every day. caling in to far right wing shows.

Fact is politicians are always beguiled by their own rallies. They see all their followers screaming enthusiastically and extrapolate that to the general populace. If these people are like that, so are the rest .It is difficult to keep their feet on the ground. Trumps feet have never been grounded.Politics plays with your mind and ego.
Trump thinks he can tweet his way out of an FBI Special Investigation.

He will be lucky if he can survive Mueller.

I watched the news last night and it didn't start off with something the President said or did.


That took a while.