New Hampshire is 94% white. It is now trying to figure out how to change that

There are 23 black majority minority congressional districts despite no state in the union having a black majority. Mississippi has one of those 23. It has the highest black population of any state at 37%.

Have you performed a concert for them on your African banjo?
How many do you need? The South is ready to ship 'em North.

Liberals nowhere want them. While Liberals will pander to blacks to get their vote, even Liberal LBJ said he'd have "the niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years", they realize that after that, they're more of a liability than an asset.
Another example that of the Liberal agenda to change the ethnic composition of this country. This shows a hatred that this is a white country. So who are the racists?

:rofl2: Let me get this straight genius .. white people are racist against .. white people????? :0)

Don't look now dummy, but this is decidedly NOT a white country .. and getting less white by the day.
New Hampshire is 94% white. It is now trying to figure out how to change that

Pfffffffffffffffft. That is nothing, you should see Bernie Sanders Vermont.

LOL. That reminds me of how royally pissed some people got when my grad school with its precisely one black student and zero Asian/Middle eastern students brought in a bunch of minorities to be in the photos for the recruitment/catalog etc. I thought it was funny. That so many people became so incensed by it made it even funnier to me. It worked though because the following fall we had two new black students come in, so maybe New Hampshire should hire some out-of-state minorities for its travel ads. Fake it til they make it.