Bill Asks Federal Taxpayers to Subsidize California’s High Housing Costs


Let's go Brandon!
Why should the people of Memphis, with low taxes and common sense regulations or the people of Dallas wanting a privately financed high speed rail to Houston—and get it—while the people of California are inundated with taxes, delays, high fees and permits, just to build housing. Now the Socialist Senator Kamala Harris wants the people of the United States to finance California Socialism! Not a joke.

“On Thursday, Harris, along with Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Maggie Hasan (D–N.H.), and Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.), introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would provide refundable tax credits for tenants who spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent...."

Another problem that would vanish overnight if brownie would enforce the law and kick out the ten million illegals infesting the state and driving up housing costs.
just another reason why liberals can not be in power ever again.

Giving away our country and all that makes us great for votes..

it's over liberal nut-bags

And the federal government paid for the blue ridge parkway and roads for you hillbillies along with electrification via the TVA so you white trash ancestors would have electricity, the hicks sure din't whine about that

Infrastructure is a legitimate government function. Housing for wealthy Californians, not so much.

This bill would actually act as subsidies for landlords. Is that who you want to help?

And what's your take on politicians subsiding demand while constraining supply which is what's happening here

Anything for the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class regardless of its impact on society as a whole.
Let them go find the $21T the Pentagon cannot account for spending between 1998-2015. We could do everything we need to for this society if we weren't occupying the planet militarily. America has been at war for 93% of the time the empire has existed, and we currently support 3/4's of the world's military dictatorships - not counting our own of course.
